What if we mourned with those who mourn…even when we’re happy about what has them sad?
What if we listened to the people we disagree with, not to gather ammunition to use against them, but to understand their point of view?
What if we prayed for our opposition instead of about them?
What if we stop looking for “gotcha!” moments and started looking for what we have in common?
What if we read things out of our comfort zone?
What if we sought not to tear down but to build up?
What if we paused before hitting “like” or “post” and asked, “Will this show others the love of Christ?”
What if we refused to put labels on people, and instead called each of them “beloved of the Father”?
What if we chose patience and kindness instead of outrage and condemnation?
What if we refused to boast about our “wins”?
What if we were willing to “lose” if it would help others see God’s love?
What if we refused to show disrespect to someone just because we disagree with them?
What if we pursued their desires above our own?
What if we were the last to be angered instead of the first?
What if we kept no record of the wrongs we perceive being done to us?
What if we rejoiced, not when we get our way, but when we make a friend of someone once an enemy?
What if we protected those who are desperate and alone instead of our own self-interest?
What if we were willing to trust that God’s love is bigger than our differences?
What if we hoped in Him instead of our own power?
What if we persevered in building bridges instead of burning them down?
What if our first, gut, knee-jerk reaction was love instead of hate?