This year, I thought it would be fun post a round-up of all my Thanksgiving posts through the years. Now, sometimes I took the week off and other years my post simply said “Happy Thanksgiving!”, and there have even been a few times when I re-shared a post from previous years so you’re not going to see an entry here for every single year…but then again, other years I posted several different Thanksgiving items, so you’ll get multiples from that year. =) Regardless, it was fun to travel back through the last 13 years on my blog and see the research and expressions of gratitude I’d composed before and compile them into one place.
My musings on Thanksgiving Day, specifically as concerns my writing career in the month before I re-released A Stray Drop of Blood in the version you all know now.
I reflect on how grateful I am for the history of the Church that we have to stand on.
Remember When…Thanksgiving Was Optional
Here I explore some of the history of our American holiday.
Remember When…Thanksgiving Came
Musing on how Thanksgiving became a holiday, a link to a friend’s post, and a bit of my own history with Thanksgiving and why I love it.
Stolen Blessings
Thanksgiving is a time we focus on blessings…but are we allowing others to participate in the giving?
Our Five Kernels of Thanksgiving
One of my favorite Thanksgiving posts I’ve done was for Colonial Quills, where I tell the story of the Second Thanksgiving, and why five kernels of corn can mean so much.
A Thanksgiving Prayer
There were several years in which I shared this same prayer of Gratitude and Thanksgiving from Valley of Vision, a book of Puritan prayers. It’s worth rereading annually!
The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving
Giving thanks isn’t easy…can we do it even when we’ve lost it all?
I’m So Grateful for YOU!
As a writer, I often feel like I’m typing into a vacuum…but you all make it worthwhile, and I’m so thankful for you!
Being Thankful…Especially Now
The year of All the Bad Things in many ways, 2020 was still a year for gratitude!
Word of the Week – Cornucopia
Because obviously I have to look into the history of this Thanksgiving icon!
No More Complaining, All Gratitude!
This year, I challenged us all to give up grumbling and complaining and focus instead on gratitude and compassion. There’s even a printable journal to help you out!