I had planned to have something brilliant and insightful to blog about today. I intended to think about this yesterday. Instead I . . .

* Took my cat to the vet and ended up leaving her there overnight. Poor kitty has an impacted bowel and needed an enema. =(

* Spent much of the day making a super-giant pan of lasagna for dinner at church, including simmering my own sauce for it

* Finished a batch of baking that had to sit in the fridge all night

* Did school with the kids (mostly…)

* Printed, and cut by hand, 50 inserts for little coin cases for a project (see below)

* Prepared a contract for WhiteFire

* Created an image for my church’s Facebook page

* Left at 3 (with dishes undone–hey, I’d just do them when I got home! No biggie!) to head out in search of gift cards for a community project we’re spearheading. (Any idea how long it takes McDonalds to ring up 50 gift cards? LOL. I now know…)

* Realized en route to church that the oven there is malfunctioning, so I in fact could not bake the giant lasagna

* Detoured to our old house that is currently between renters (and 2 minutes from the church–we now live 30 minutes away) to pop the lasagna into the oven

* Arrived 15 minutes late to knitting, and proceeded to spend the entire class prepping dinner, LOL. Though I completed 2 knitting projects last week, so I was between projects anyway!

* Drove over to fetch the lasagna, which I was none too convinced was done

* Had a quick (but tasty, if I do say so myself) dinner between would-be knitting and the time we’d set aside to prepare this community project for which we’d fetched gift cards (mini stockings we’ll be giving to every resident of a local senior’s apartment building)

* Spent an hour and a half with a great and dedicated team of church friends and homeschool friends, putting those stockings together

* Got home 5 minutes after kids’ bedtime with a headache so bad I wanted to cry/throw up, and realized my kitchen still had lasagna-making dishes covering every surface (my brilliant plan to do them later is suddenly looking quite foolish), my fridge had no room for the super-giant leftovers, and this had to be dealt with at least in part then and there

* Took 2 Aleve, put the kids to bed, and tackled the need-room-in-the-fridge problem.

* Went to sit on the bed while hubby watched hockey and whimpered over the headache. Decided some mint tea was order to settle the headache-induced nausea

* Felt the Aleve kick in in a blessed wave of relief. Finished tea. Went to sleep.

* Awoke a million times to the sound of incredibly intense wind whistling through the eaves

* Got up at 5:30 today.

My kitchen is still a mess, I still have a bit of a headache, I’ll have to go and fetch the cat from the vet this morning, etc. But you know what? That’s okay. It’s a new day. It’s frigid outside. Still dark as of when I’m writing this. But I have a new coffee pot that filled my cup with the most delicious coffee in the world (seriously), my kids are smiling, I have a giant bag full of finished stockings to give, and included in today’s plan is picking up a Christmas tree.

So I shall optimistically declare, “Today’s going to be a good day.” And with any luck, a little less busy than yesterday was. 😉