It’s my day on Colonial Quills, and today I’m talking about the founding of the Georgia colony. Did you know it was meant to be a charity colony? Hop on over to read about it!

Colonial Quills : Georgy – A Charity Case

I learned a lot this year, teaching my kids early American history–and one of the things I’d never known before was about how the colony of Georgia came to be.

James Oglethorpe

It began in the mind of General James Oglethorpe, who was greatly disturbed by all the poor he saw in London–and the drunkeness. He as his friends had been discussing the woeful situation for quite a while, with no ready solution coming to mind. Then one day they saw a map of North America, and they noticed a large swath of land still unclaimed on the Eastern seaboard, between English South Carolina and Spanish Florida. Read the Full Article