So I have a story idea. Shocking, right? 😉 I need to finish The Outcast Duchess before I really dig into it, but my goal is to make that transition in the next week.

Why? Because I’d like to write a Christmas story, and I figured it would be fun to do, you know…over Christmas.

It’s been a while since I’ve read a Christmas-themed book, though. I used to read several every year, but, well…then I had kids and started homeschooling, and I’m lucky to read one book a month for pleasure.

If you have read any Christmas books in recent years, would you mind sharing your quick “must” and “must not” list? The parameters of my story will make it by nature very different from most that are out there, but I still want it to capture that feeling…

So I figured I’d offer a hand-dandy giveaway of my latest, and all you have to do to enter is answer some/all of my questions. =)

Here they are:

  • What on a cover draws your eye and screams “Christmas!” in a positive way? Color? Certain items? People or no people?
  • Are there specific words in the title that attract/repulse you?
  • What themes most attract you? Just the seasonal setting? Christmas miracle stories? “Finding the true meaning” stories?
  • Is there a particular “feel” you associate with Christmas stories?
  • Traditionally, these books are shorter than a standard novel (perhaps because of seasonal busyness?)–do you like that or not?

And now more specifically…

  • What would you expect/want from me if I were to write a Christmas story?

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. =) Now, to enter to win a copy of A Soft Breath of Wind (hello, Christmas gift! To you or someone else, LOL) just fill out the form here.

(The giveaway will only run through the end of the weekend, so I have time to get the book to the lucky winner before Christmas!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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