The winner of day 7’s drawing is:

Amy WV!

As a reminder, every entry this week keeps you in each day’s drawing for a book, and also for winner’s choice of one of two necklaces from Inspired Novelties–so keep those entries coming, and please do share! Last week we ended up with over 1,000 entries, which was pretty awesome! =) Let’s see if we can get it even higher this week. =)

Now for today!

Word of the Week . . . Sleight

I admit it–this is one I’d never paid attention to before. I’m sure I’ve seen “sleight of hand” written out correctly like so, but I never paused to realize it was spelled with an ‘e’.

And I’m not the only one who has written this as “slight of hand.” Slight makes sense there, implying light, nimble fingers. There’s even a phrase from French that means “light of hand” literally, used the same way.

Sleight, however, comes from a whole different word. An Old Norse one that made its way to English waaaaay back in the 13th century. It means “cunning.” Which makes even more sense in “sleight of hand,” doesn’t it?

That phrase, by the way, has been around since 1400. Whodathunk it was so old?

My question for you today:

Have you seen any sleight of hand tricks lately that really got ya?
We just saw a magic show last weekend–favorite trick was one where the guy turned $1 bills into $100 bills. Don’t we all wish we knew THAT one? LOL

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