Weekend winners are:

Chaplain Debbie and Meghan Gorecki

Wowy zowy, it’s hard to believe we only have 2 days left! Which means not a whole lot of time to enter for this truly amazing book of prayers.

And of course, only 2 more drawings for Ring of Secrets! Why? Because then Whispers from the Shadows will officially release!! It’s already in stock in all the online retailers, and it should be showing up in your local bookstores any day, if it’s not there already. If anyone spots it on a shelf and wants to send me a picture, I’d be so grateful! We have no Christian bookstore in my town, and I never seem to make it an hour away to look in one…

But anyway. On with the day. =)

Word of the Week – Moot

Many, many moons ago I got my hubby a little book called The Highly Selective Dictionary of the

Extraordinarily Literate. Yes. We’re just that nerdy. 😉 So naturally, we flipped through it, and one of the first words I read the definition of was a word I thought I knew.

Moot. Now, we hear this all the time, right? It’s a moot point. And I always took it mean something rather irrelevant, because it was purely hypothetical at that point.

And sure enough, it has come to mean that–but in fact, that meaning came from law circles. Why? Now that’s where it gets interesting.

The primary definition of moot is “debatable, doubtful.” Not what we usually think when a point is moot. Because that would imply we should debate it–right? But people today use moot to indicate that something should be dropped because it has already been decided.

But a moot point–an undecided, debatable point–is in fact something pretty entertaining to an academic crowd who just loves a good debate. They can spend hours–days–weeks–years!–talking about the same thing. So after a while, it becomes purely hypothetical.

And to the rest of the world, something hypothetical becomes…well…moot. 😉 Something to be dropped. Something about which debate should stop.

Confession: I’ve avoided using this word altogether in the last decade, because I didn’t want to use it incorrectly and knew my point would be missed if I used it as “debatable.” LOL.

My question to you today:

Do you like to debate, or do you shy away from all conflict?

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