I had so much fun hearing about everyone’s wedding dresses yesterday! If anyone missed that conversation but want in on it, I’ve posted some pictures of the dresses described by readers too. Check it out here.

And of course, we have a new winner of Ring of SecretsDeborah Dunson! — And only two more days to enter for this!

Thoughtful About . . . Names

What is about names that have such power? Ever wonder about that? I sure have–I even wrote a 20-page essay on the subject in college, LOL, based largely on biblical names. So you can bet I put a lot of thought into my kids’ names, and that I put thought into each character name too. I could ramble on about that. But today I want to talk about another Name.

Because yesterday this just LEAPT out at me and made me scratch my head:

“Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared. Beware of Him and obey His voice; do not provoke Him, for he will not pardon your transgressions; for My name is in Him.”
                                                                     ~ Exodus 23:20-21

God’s name–now that’s a powerful thing! So powerful that it’s one of the commandments–“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.” (Exodus 20:7)

So powerful that it is being itself: “Tell them I AM has sent me to you.” (Exodus 3:14)

This is something I know…and yet I don’t think I fully understand it. Because we have so many names for God. You can find list upon list of them, entire Wikipedia articles about it. He is so much to us. Alpha and Omega, Jehovah-Jirah, Elohim.

But that passage from Exodus 23 doesn’t say “My names are in Him.” It says My name. One. God has one name, His true name…and we don’t know it. Jesus no doubt did, but He called Him “Abba.” Daddy. Papa, as my kids call my hubby. My little ones know his name is David, but they don’t use that name. They shouldn’t, because it doesn’t speak their love.

I daresay no other man knows the true name of God though. And why? Because that name is power. Power to destroy, to judge, to rule. It’s the power of God Himself. That’s pretty amazing. I’ve yet to find another passage where God gives His name–His true name–to any being. But here, as He’s preparing to take Moses to Sinai…that was a pretty special time.

And that really makes me pause. Even given that I know only the human names for my Lord…am I using them right? When I call upon Him, do I mean it? Do I ever sigh out an “Oh, Lord” that means nothing? Or even if I’m calling to Him…do I need it? Bear with me, now. 😉

This is another section of Exodus that struck me the other day. It’s when they’ve come to the Red Sea, Pharaoh’s army is closing in, the children of Israel cry out to Moses. Moses says, “Don’t be afraid, y’all! Just wait and see–salvation’s coming. The Lord’s got it all under control. He’ll fight for you, I promise.” (The Roseanna Paraphrase Version. Which usually has a few more “dude”s in it…LOL) And God replies to Moses’s plea:

“Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward. But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it.”

Did you catch what stood out to me? Why do you cry to Me? That left me dumbfounded. Because, well, shouldn’t we?? Isn’t prayer to be our first response?


But…God had already made the promise. God had already led them with fire and smoke. God had already spoken, had spared, had afflicted the enemy. More, God had already lent His power to Moses for this. That’s what I took from that verse. He isn’t saying, “Don’t bother me, kid.” He’s saying, “Did you forget the power I put in your rod? Just stretch it out, dude. That’s all you gotta do.” (See–“dude.”) 😉 That “but” isn’t, I don’t think, a conjunction–it’s not saying, “but since you insist, do this.” It’s a an adverb. A “merely.” Just lift up your rod.

Sometimes it’s so hard to remember that God, especially through the salvation of Jesus and the coming of the Holy Spirit, has already given us at least a portion of the power of His name. It’s within us, all the time. And while I don’t know the Name to call him…I know the title.

Abba. Father. God of my end (as they pray in the Culper Ring books, taken from Puritan prayers). When the wilderness lies before me, when the enemy’s closing in behind, help me to remember that You’ve already put salvation in my hand.

What does your name mean?
(If you don’t know, try www.babynames.com)

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