Okay, I’m too excited not to mention it, though I’m not sure if I can share the image yet–I was surprised by my cover for Circle of Spies yesterday afternoon! I wasn’t expecting this for another few months, so it was pretty cool to get it early, while I’m still writing it. I’ll share the image when I get the go-ahead, but for now, I’ll just talk a bit about why I absolutely love it. =)
First, the model is 100% perfect. Closest match to Emma Stone as a redhead that I’ve seen, LOL. The costuming is excellent–they put her in half-mourning as I requested, an elegant gray day dress with black piping. Love it! My critique partner declared the gloves she’s wearing totally awesome. =) The colors are muted, which the designer got spot-on without any input from me. All through the book I’m describing the world as gray and colorless, the vibrancy having been leached out by the war. He didn’t know that, but he sure got it right! (Which draws the eye straight to her beautiful red hair. Just like happened with my hero, LOL. PERFECT!!)
And in the background is Ford’s Theater!

Ford’s Theater

This is pretty exciting in and of itself, because the next scene I’m writing with Marietta will be at the theater. =) I listed it as a possible background image months ago, but at the time wasn’t sure how I would get her there. Then when I had the epiphany of how, when, and why she was at Ford’s Theater, I had no clue if they’d want to go that way for the cover. So this is just amazingly fun! 

Actress Laura Keene,
star of Our American Cousin
She won’t be there the night Lincoln is assassinated–she’s in some hot water of her own then–but she goes a month before, when the same play is being performed. Which, for those of you like me who don’t have all this history memorized randomly, was Our American Cousin. It was a comedy about a British dowager who thought a visiting bumpkin was an American millionaire. The star of the performance was Laura Keene. On that fateful night in April, Booth chose the laughter following one of her most famous lines in the play to cover the sound of his gunshot.

So yep, this cover came at a perfect time for me and will be up on my screen providing inspiration as I write the scene–hopefully today, but maybe tomorrow, as I have two scenes to get through before she gets there. =) This will be Marietta’s first social appearance since emerging from second-mourning, and it’s a big one for her, because she makes it without a certain someone by her side…and I daresay he’ll be none too pleased about that when he gets back from his conspiratorial trip to Cumberland. 😉

Ah, I love this stuff. Happy Wednesday, everyone!