Today a good friend of mine, Dina Sleiman, is celebrating the release of her latest novel, the debut title for Zondervan’s new Zondervan First digital line. She wrote this fabulous guest post for us over at the Colonial Quill, and I thought it would be a treat for you guys too. =) As one may be able to tell from the title, Love in Three-Quarter Time, a certain dance is featured in Dina’s novel. And she’s here to tell us a little bit about it. I’ll tease you here (mwa ha ha ha) and then direct you to the CQ for the rest of it. Take it away, Dina!


The Forbidden Dance

No, I’m not talking
about the tango. In the late 1700s and early 1800s the waltz was
considered quite a scandalous dance. It gained popularity on the
European continent by around 1780, but was still scorned in
respectable circles in England and the United States. It wasn’t
until the Prince Regent introduced the waltz at a ball in 1816 that
it was accepted in England. As for the newly formed US, all we can
say for certain is that it was a standard dance by 1830. 


For my new novel, Love
in Three-Quarter Time,
I assumed that as in
all things fashionable, Americans would have followed close on the
heels of their British cousins. I showed the waltz being introduced
to Charlottesville, Virginia, by a trend-setting plantation matron in
1817. But the waltz of the Regency (or in this case late Federalist)
era was quite different than the waltz we know today. It was closely
related to the cotillion, and it incorporated a variety of handholds
that could, in fact, turn a bit risqué in the wrong company.
Here are just a few lines
from a very lengthy poem called “The Waltz,” written by Lord
Byron in 1813.

Waltz! — to thy more melting tune

Irish jig and ancient rigadoon.

reels, avaunt! and country-dance, forego

future claims to each fantastic toe!

— Waltz alone — both legs and arms demands,

of feet, and lavish of her hands;

which may freely range in public sight

ne’er before — but — pray “put out the light.”

the glare of yonder chandelier

much too far — or I am much too near;

true, though strange — Waltz whispers this remark,

slippery steps are safest in the dark!”

To read the rest, go to Colonial Quills!


In the style of Deeanne Gist, Dina
Sleiman explores the world of 1817 Virginia in her novel Love in
Three-Quarter Time
. When the belle of the ball falls into genteel
poverty, the fiery Constance Cavendish must teach the dances she once
loved in order to help her family survive. The opportunity of a
lifetime might await her in the frontier town of Charlottesville, but
the position will require her to instruct the sisters of the
plantation owner who jilted her when she needed him most. As Robert
Montgomery and Constance make discoveries about one another, will
their renewed faith in God help them to face their past and the guilt
that threatens to destroy them in time to waltz to a fresh start?