I know, I know–what a strange, bizarre word of the week. And now y’all are probably wondering what I got into this weekend! 😉

Actually, it comes up because I’m a cruel author who just seriously injured her hero. I need him to be out of it for a while so said, “Hmm, they had some powerful drugs by then. Was morphine one of them?”


And the name is just too interesting not to share. Did you know that morphine is named after one of the Greek gods as brought to us by Ovid in his Metamorphosis? (Not to be confused to Kafka’s book by the same name . . . and not to get into how much I despised said book-by-the-same-name each of the three times I was forced to read it . . .)

Anyway. Apparently Ovid gave the name Morpheus to the god of dreams. When the Germans named this lovely drug in 1816, they called it morphin in allusion to Morpheus, because of its sleep-inducing properties. The French, of course, changed it to Morphine. Which we borrowed in 1828 and have been using ever since.

Now to make sure my hero doesn’t develop a dependency–he has enough problems to deal with, I don’t wanna go there! LOL

And for those of you who are amassing those entries into the Great Annapolis Giveaway and/or interested in winning a free copy of Love Finds You in Annapolis, Maryland all by its lonesome, hop right back over to the Colonial Quills and leave a comment on my very first full-length blog review. =)
