Word of the Week

Word history and etymology

Word of the Week – Winter
Winter is an old word. As in, oooooolllllld. As old as English itself--coming unchanged to us from Old English. And it has always meant "the coldest season of the year" and "the fourth season of the year." But where did it come from? As with most words this old,...
Holiday History – Spruce
Our favorite Christmas tree is a blue spruce. The needles are super poky, yes, but the branches are sturdy enough to hold pretty much any ornament...and I have some heavy ones! Because of my love for the spruce family, I perked up when I saw spruce on a list of...
Holiday History – Gingerbread
Did you know that gingerbread actually has no relation to bread, when we talk about the history of the word itself? It's true! The original word from Medieval French was actually gingebrat (also spelled gingembrat), and referred to a ginger paste that people used to...
Holiday History – Sugar-Plums
Given the release of Christmas at Sugar Plum Manor this year, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about what sugar plums really are...and what sugar-plums are too. The original sugar plums are exactly what they sound like--sugared plums. You take dried or...

Have you ever wondered when certain words started to be used in certain ways? Or how they even came about? If they’re related to other, similar-sounding words?

I wonder these things all the time. And so, for years I’ve been gathering interesting words together, looking at the etymology, and posting them in fun, bite-sized posts called Word of the Week. Here you’ll find everything from which definition of a word pre-dates another, to how certain holiday words came about, to what the original meaning was of something we use a lot today but in a very different way. And of course, the surprising words that we think are new but in fact are pretty ancient, like “wow”!

Word of the Week – Candid

Word of the Week – Candid

We know the word candid as "truthful, honest, sincere." It's carried this meaning since the 1670s. But before that, it carried the meaning of "bright, white" which came from the Latin candere, which means, "to shine." I really kind of love this one. Because what...

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Word of the Week – Trek

Word of the Week – Trek

The word trek has been in the English language only since around 1849--and it was a direct borrow from the Dutch treck. But I found it interesting that treck didn't actually mean "a long journey" when the Dutch started using it. Nope. It meant "to drag or pull." Why?...

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Word of the Week – Understand

Word of the Week – Understand

(Originally published on April 25, 2011) I can't say as I've ever understood why, when we comprehend something, we stand under it. So this week we're working to understand the word understand. 😀 According to the wonderful world of www.etymonline.com, this word, which...

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Word of the Week – Amen

Word of the Week – Amen

Post originally published 4/18/2011 Another Word of the Week revisit coming your way, again from my first days of doing these features in 2011. 😀 And today we're (re)looking at amen. "Amen" is a direct translation from a Hebrew word that literally means "so be it."...

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Word of the Week – Macaroni

Word of the Week – Macaroni

This is actually a revisit of one of my very first word features, from way back in 2011. Figured we could use a refresher on some of those fun ones! So today...macaroni! Yes, you read that right. 😉 Now, in my house "macaroni" is synonymous with "the most common food...

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Word of the Week – Handsome

Word of the Week – Handsome

Those of you who have been reading these posts for the entire eight years I've been writing them weekly may (or may not) remember the third word I featured: handsome. I thought it would be fun to revisit some of those early entries and remind myself of their...

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Word of the Week – Pale

Word of the Week – Pale

At church last week I was joking with my son about something and declared it "Beyond the pale." At which point he, of course, asked what in the world that meant. Hmm. Good question. This being me, I immediately pulled up etymonline.com (so not cool, Mom) and looked up...

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Word of the Week – Apple

Word of the Week – Apple

Since last week we looked into peach, I thought it would be fun to move to an autumn fruit this week and explore the history of the word apple. Apple is from Old English, which means it's been around pretty much forever. But it didn't always mean that specific fruit...

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Word of the Week – Peach

Word of the Week – Peach

So, funny story. When we moved from our old house to one on my mother-in-law's property, my daughter was distraught over leaving the beautiful old weeping cherry tree we had at the other house. So her grandmother promised to plant her one here. And so she did...or so...

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Word of the Week – Stamina

Word of the Week – Stamina

We're all familiar with the word stamina, meaning "strength to resist, endurance." But did you know that it comes from the Latin word for "threads"? The Latin, in turn, is from the Greek stemon...a thread. Specifically, the thread that the three Fates spun, measured...

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Word of the Week – Enigma

Word of the Week – Enigma

Did you know that our word enigma actually comes from the Greek word for "fable"? I hadn't! But apparently so. Said Greek word is ainos. And since a fable is a tale whose meaning/message has to be puzzled out, ainos let to a verb ainissesthai, which means (go figure)...

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Word of the Week – Balmy

Word of the Week – Balmy

It took a while for summer weather to really take hold for us this year in West Virginia...but man, it's been full force in August! Heat and humidity all around--which we frequently describe as balmy. Which, as it turns out, probably isn't actually a good word for it,...

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Word of the Week – Pastor

Word of the Week – Pastor

This kind of qualifies as a head slap moment, LOL. So even as kid, I noticed how close pastor sounds and looks to pasture. And the fact that pastoral means "having to do with country life" was something I learned a long time ago. But I never actually paused to wonder...

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Word of the Week – Tycoon

Word of the Week – Tycoon

A couple years ago, I remember reading to the kids about Commodore Matthew C. Perry's visit to Japan in 1854, and how it opened Japan to trade with the US for the first time. But I didn't realize that the word tycoon came directly from this visit! During Perry's...

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Word of the Week – Crucial

Word of the Week – Crucial

If you saw my post a few weeks ago on excruciating/crucifixion, you might just look at the word crucial and say, "Well, huh. That has that cruc root in it too!" And you'd be right. Crucial also has the same root, which literally means "cross" in Latin. But in the case...

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Word of the Week – Adept

Word of the Week – Adept

Did you know that the word adept is linked to alchemy? Yeah...neither did I. Adept is from the Latin adeptus, literally meaning "having attained" and was introduced into English in the Middle Ages among alchemists. If you showed particular knowledge of this art, you...

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Word of the Week – Confiscate

Word of the Week – Confiscate

When I think about Roman tax collectors, I admit that most of what I know has been gleaned from the Gospel passages dealing with them, LOL. But did you know that tax collectors in Roman days would collect all the taxes in baskets woven from rushes? The Latin word for...

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Word of the Week – Lackadaisical

Word of the Week – Lackadaisical

This seems like a nice word for the middle of summer, doesn't it? We know it as meaning "lazy, languid." Not always a good thing, but on a summer day, you might be inclined to give it less negative connotation, right? This word has a fun history, though! It dates to...

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Word of the Week – Anthology

Word of the Week – Anthology

We all know what an anthology is, right? A collection of pieces by various writers or artists (or by a single author) all gathered into one volume. I'd never paused to think about how old these are, but in fact, the English word anthology as a collection of poems...

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Word of the Week – Excruciating

Word of the Week – Excruciating

A quick but enlightening word choice this week. Did you know that the word excruciating is linked directly to crucifixion? If you're like me, you'd never paused to think about it, but as soon as you see the two words side by side ~ excruciating | crucifixion ~ you see...

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Word of the Week – Cleave

Word of the Week – Cleave

One of my very first Words of the Week was the word cleave. I've long found it interesting that the word has two meanings, which are opposite each other: Cleave, definition 1 - to divide, to split, to cut Cleave, definition 2 - to stick, cling, adhere to something...

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Word of the Week – Cheese

Word of the Week – Cheese

Why? Because I'm a big fan of cheese...and I happened across the word when browsing through etymonline.com (why yes, I browse etymology sites. Doesn't everyone?? LOL) and realized I had no idea of the history of either the word or the food. The English word for cheese...

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Word of the Week – 9 English Idioms (Guest Post)

Word of the Week – 9 English Idioms (Guest Post)

This week I'm mixing it up just a wee bit and referring you to another fun blog post that explores the origins of 9 common English sayings. Language is such a fascinating area of study, and each has its own unique, complex set of intricacies that makes it difficult...

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Word of the Week – Truffle

Word of the Week – Truffle

Okay, when I say truffle, I mean the chocolate. Period. At least in terms of things I'd like to put into my mouth. 😉 But I am, of course, also aware of the fungus sold for ridiculous amounts of money that answers to the same name. And I've wondered why these two very...

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Word of the Week – Ostracize

Word of the Week – Ostracize

No one wants to be ostracized, right? It's a banishment, or a more metaphorical exclusion. Either way, not good. But it has a looooong history. Ostracize actually comes from the Greek word ostrakon--a piece of broken pottery. See, back in the day in Athens, someone...

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Word of the Week – Miniature

Word of the Week – Miniature

This ranks as another of those words that surprised me! I've long known that people used to call small portraits miniatures--but what I didn't realize was that the "small" part wasn't the root of the word. In fact, the word miniature comes from the Latin miniare,...

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Word of the Week – Boycott

Word of the Week – Boycott

No, I'm not advocating one of anything. 😉 I just read the history of the word in my son's vocab book and thought I'd share. Do you already know the history of this one? I think I've probably heard it before, and I had a vague recollection that it was a name, but the...

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Word of the Week – Opportunity

Word of the Week – Opportunity

This is one I've never thought to look up the meaning of before! But it appeared in my son's vocabulary book, so I'll happily soak up the knowledge. 😉 Opportunity comes to us via French, directly from Latin. It means, in all those languages "fitness, convenience,...

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Word of the Week – Scale

Word of the Week – Scale

I always find it interesting when a word with different meanings comes, in fact, from different root words. Such is the case with scale. Though that single English word can mean many different things--fish's scale, or a scale that builds up on something; to scale a...

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Word of the Week – Mediocre

Word of the Week – Mediocre

So mediocre has meant the same thing since it entered English round about 1580: "of moderate quality, neither good nor bad." But I'd never really looked it up to realize where it comes from. Medi- of course means "middle" or "halfway" in Latin, which we know from...

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Word of the Week – Sinister

Word of the Week – Sinister

Yet another homeschool-inspired Word of the Week--this one from my daughter, who bounced out to the kitchen the other day to say, "Do you know where the word sinister comes from?" To which I replied, stopping what I was doing, "No! Tell me!" And so she did. 😀 (I adore...

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Word of the Week – Ballet and Ball

Word of the Week – Ballet and Ball

My daughter has been taking ballet since she was five, and it's safe to say she is a very enthusiastic fan of the art. 😉  A few weeks ago she asked me to look up where the word comes from, so of course, I obliged. Ballet comes to English from (shocker) French....

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Word of the Week – Jumbo

Word of the Week – Jumbo

My daughter informed of this one, courtesy of her history book. =) So we all know jumbo as "very large." Even excessively large. But did you know it came from an elephant's name? I didn't! In the 1880s there was an elephant in the London zoo called Mumbo Jumbo...

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Word of the Week – Stationary and Stationery

Word of the Week – Stationary and Stationery

Okay, this one is really cool, guys! I've long known that stationary (meaning "not moving") and stationery (meaning "writing materials") were homophones and that the one with the a was the adjective and the one with the e had to do with writing letters. But did you...

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Word of the Week – “Integr-” words

Word of the Week – “Integr-” words

This is another one that comes courtesy of my son's vocabulary book. 😉 Let's look for a moment at the Latin word integer, which means "whole, complete." We see this root in quite a lot of English words. First, the word integer itself, which means "a whole number."...

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Word of the Week – Campaign

Word of the Week – Campaign

The word campaign has been in English since the 1600s, arriving in our tongue from Latin, by way of French. In its early days, campaign was reserved for military courses of action. Why? Well, it's actually from the Latin word campus, which means "an open field."...

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Word of the Week – Disaster

Word of the Week – Disaster

This is one of those that I probably could have figured out if I ever happened to pause and think about it...but which I'd never paused to think of until I saw it in my son's vocabulary book. 😉 So, we're probably all familiar with the root of disaster. Namely, aster,...

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Word of the Week – Slug

Word of the Week – Slug

In my house, we often ask which words come first--the animals, or the people who share their traits. Like slug/sluggish, sloth/slothful etc. Well, in the case of slug, the trait definitely came before the critter! It comes from the Scandinavian word slugje, which...

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Word of the Week – Liberty and Libraries

Word of the Week – Liberty and Libraries

We all know the liber words that have to do with "freedom": Liberty Liberate Liberally But what about Library? Is it so called because it's where you can get books for free? You might think so, but...no, actually. It's because in Latin, liber had two meanings: "free"...

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Word of the Week – Puny

Word of the Week – Puny

My kids' vocabulary books have this section at the end of each lesson called "Fun and Fascinating Facts" about the words or roots in that week's list. This one comes courtesy of Rowyn's book--and is something I really did find fun and fascinating! So, puny. I know it...

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Word of the Week – Aroma

Word of the Week – Aroma

This time of year, I do a fair amount of baking--love a little added warmth in the kitchen! And I have to say, one of my favorite things to bake is bread. I love the process of making it--kneading the dough, finding that perfect texture and moisture level, then...

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Word of the Week – Companion

Word of the Week – Companion

So we all know what a companion is...but if you're anything like me, you've never paused to examine where the word came from. Com is Latin for "with." Okay...making sense so far. A companion is someone you're with. But I'd never stopped to realize that the panion part...

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Word of the Week – Auld Lang Syne

Word of the Week – Auld Lang Syne

I know, I know, I'm a week late for this one. But on New Year's, my family asked what in the world this song means, so I figured it would be a great feature for my first Word of the Week post in January! I've never really looked too deeply into this song and the...

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Word of the Year – Promise

Word of the Year – Promise

As the old year draws to a close, I always pray for a word for the new year. Something I ought to keep in mind through the coming months. Something God whispers to my spirit. Sometimes I get one. Sometimes I don't. For 2018, there was no word that stood out. And given...

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Word of the Week – Noel

Word of the Week – Noel

'Tis the season to look up any Christmas-related words I haven't already done. 😉 Knowing that noel is French, I suppose I figured there wasn't much more to know about it, so I hadn't looked into this one before. But I decided it was time! For starters, I had no idea...

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Word of the Week – Bran(d) New

Word of the Week – Bran(d) New

This is another word that my daughter came running out to show me in her history book. And one I found even more intriguing when I looked it up on my own, as etymonline doesn't, in fact, agree with said history book! So, according to A History of Us, the phrase...

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Word of the Week – Dub

Word of the Week – Dub

We've been studying medieval history in our homeschool right now, which of course means learning about knights and the process they go through to become knights. Which naturally led to a question of where in the world the word dub came from. Dub has been around since...

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Word of the Week – Vignette

Word of the Week – Vignette

I love learning things through my kids' school! A week or two ago, my daughter came out with her vocabulary book in hand to ask if I knew about the history of the word vignette. I'm not sure if I've ever heard this before, but it's a fun progression! So back in the...

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Word of the Week – Stumped

Word of the Week – Stumped

Ever wonder why, when we're stymied and/or confused, we say we're stumped? I'd never really paused to wonder about this one, but my daughter learned this etymology in her history class and had to share, and it made me go, "Oh, of course!" As early as the 13th century,...

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Word of the Week – Buck

Word of the Week – Buck

This one also comes courtesy of my daughter and her history book, which includes fun little snippets about what words got their origins in the time she's studying (a history book after my own heart!). I think I'd heard this one before, but I'd forgotten. Ever wonder...

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