Thoughtful Thursdays
Musings on faith, family, & fiction
Though a novelist by trade, one of the trademarks of my books is the spiritual depth and exploration I includes as my characters work through what it really means to walk out their faith. Faith, in fact, is one of the things I like to ponder most. In these once-a-week articles, I gets thoughtful at the crossroads of faith, family, and fiction.
Thoughtful About . . . Our Place
Children on a Path Outside a Thatched Cottageby Helen Allingham, late 19th century With the first round of edits wrapped up on A Soft Breath of Wind, I moved on this week to my first round of edits on The Lost Heiress. (Lots of editing going on around here!) There are...
Thoughtful About . . . The Hard Way
I don't often post purely writing-related articles on my blog, and I'll try to make this one not just that, too, since I know only a few of you are writers. But as I'm revising and editing A Soft Breath of Wind, I keep thinking about some of the decisions I made in...
Thoughtful About . . . The End (Again)
I reached a major milestone on Sunday--I finished my book, for the, er... (one...two...three) fourth time. And I'm talking the fourth total, complete, toss out every scene previously written and start from scratch rewrite. It's a pretty awesome feeling to finish a...
Thoughtful About . . . Busy Weeks
Happy May Day! I remember this week last year. It wasn't meant to be a busy one. But it turned into it. I'd been sick the week before--like, flu. We'd traveled to Annapolis for the weekend and had a lovely time with friends. I was well enough to do that, but still...
Thoughtful About . . . Freedom
This is a repost of a guest blog I had up on a friend's blog at the beginning of the month, but in case you didn't make it over there to read it... Free Indeed "You have prayed for forgiveness from your sins. Have you prayed for freedom from their bonds? . . . Never...
Thoughtful About . . . Dedication
So I'm working now on the rewrite of the book I wrote at age 12-13. And as I'm writing, I pause (as I do at some point in every book) and wonder to whom I'll dedicate it. But with this one, it wasn't much of a question. Photo by Bangin When I was 13, still working on...
Thoughtful About . . . Scaring the Normals
So glad I got to share yesterday about how I've finally, after 19 years, sold the first book I ever wrote. Okay, so it's a little different than it was back then...which is why I'm plowing my way through a complete rewrite. As of this time last week, I was a little...
Thoughtful About . . . Our Best
Yesterday I read the book of Malachi. Right off the bat, I learned that historians aren't sure if Malachi is a name, or the equivalent of signing something "Anonymous"--it means "the messenger of God." So it could have been a pen name--pretty interesting for this...
Thoughtful About . . . Trials and Temptations
I figure I'll just keep posting thoughts from my Bible study. 😉 Worked well for me last week, LOL. This week, the study of James led us into a discussion on temptation. It's worth noting up front that the root of temptation is tempt, and the root of attempt is also...
Thoughtful About . . . the Joy
Last week the small Bible study group I belong to began a study focused around James. I've always loved this little book of the Bible, so I was pretty happy to learn that's what we would be studying. My hubby's leading us this time, and I know he has always loved...
Thoughtful About . . . Being a Writer (and Zombies)
Yesterday a friend of mine emailed. She's as editor but has recently been trying to find representation for a children's book, with the goal of publication. Now, I know very little about writing kids books, so I haven't been a whole lot of help. But in her email last...
Thoughtful About . . . The Wisdom of Daniel
You know one of the things I'm really enjoying about my current Bible-in-a-Year reading? I'm doing it in my Chronological Bible. So I'm not reading it in the traditional order, but rather according to the timeline. I'm reading Daniel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and a few...
Thoughtful About . . . A New Faith
The Vision of Ezekiel by Francisco Collantes, 1630 In my year-long read-through of the chronological Bible, I've been covering the Babylonian exile. Interesting in many ways to me, given that I've already written one book set not so long after that (Jewel of Persia)...
Thoughtful About . . . the Sabbath
A Wet Sunday Morning by Edmund Blair Leighton I am a Sabbath keeper. I don't talk about it much online because, well, it doesn't come up a whole lot. But it's something I make sure those I work with know, since they're unlikely to have their questions answered...
Thoughtful About . . . Distance
I've been writing for a long time. As in, a long time. I finished my first novel at age 13. My second at 16. Then six more by the time I was 21. That's a lot of words on the page. A lot of plot. A lot of characters to come to love. And I always had the goal of getting...
Thoughtful About . . . Prayer
by Jean-François Millet Angelus, 1859 Prayer. It's one of those things that believers know we need. It's communion. It's supplication. It's worship. It's crucial. Vital. And hard for me to find the time to engage in. That sounds awful, and is awful. But it's true, and...
Thoughtful About . . . 1,000 Posts
Yesterday marked my 1,000th published post on Writing Roseanna. Happily, my chosen post for the day was a fun one, LOL. Apparently I'm not the only one in the world so intrigued by book covers and the process of making them. 😉 I was debating what to do to celebrate...
Thoughtful About . . . Trusting, This New Year
I know, I know, I'm a day late. 😉 But since that free novella went live yesterday, I had to feature it on the 1st. So I'll get thoughtful today on the day designated for it instead. Well, here we are. In 2014. Xoe made sure I put up the new calendar at the first...
Thoughtful About . . . Competitive Spirits and Discouragement
Yesterday I had the honor of being a guest-poster on the Steve Laube Agency blog, at the invitation of my agent. A few of us did a series together on different discouragements writers face--others tackled a lot of the "big" things like chronic pain and this...
Thoughtful About . . . Broken Places
I just read a book. Technically I was editing it, but mostly I was soaking it in. Always such a pleasant surprise when I can do that. When I can let a book engage not just my mind but my heart. And sometimes my soul. My Mother's Chamomile is a WhiteFire title, coming...
Thoughtful About . . . My God
In reading through the Old Testament again, I keep noticing something I noted first several years ago. So often, God reveals His power to the world, and not just to the Israelites. He demonstrates his majesty to people great and small from all the nations. I love...
Thoughtful About . . . Legacies
On Sunday, I had the pleasure of attending my great-grandmother's 100th birthday party. Most of the family was there, including some of her great-nieces and nephews that I've never even met. Everyone, it seemed, wanted to come and celebrate this amazing milestone. I...
Guest Post by Andrea Cox – Thoughtful About . . . Ring of Secrets
It's always a blessing to get to know my readers, of both blog and books. If I remember correctly, Andrea and I began chatting over the summer. She was a frequent visitor during the big month of giveaways, and she's been stopping by regularly ever since. She recently...
Thoughtful About . . . It Hitting
An approaching storm front we captured in the Outer Banks this summer When you get bad news...or sad news...what do you do? It's inevitable that we run into these times--they're part of life, much as we wish they weren't. We're going to have those days when we cry....
Thoughtful About . . . Praising Him
Psalm 136 My daily reading has me in the Psalms right now, and I have always loved this book of ancient songs. I know, I know--I'm not exactly unique in that, LOL. But do you know what I love most about them? That the songs speak to everything we experience. Joy,...
Thoughtful About . . . Childlike Abandon
Confession: this is a repost. But only because I looked down at my clock, saw it was 8:00 a.m., and realized with a start that it's THURSDAY. Yikes! Need a blog post, stat!!! LOL. So forgive me. And enjoy. 😉 ~*~ We love to torture our kids. And by torture I mean...
Thoughtful About . . . Busy Seasons
You know, life these days is pretty crazy. We're all running, running, running, trying to keep up with this and that and the other thing, with kids' activities and our own, with our complicated lives, jobs, church commitments, you name it. Rarely do I have a season...
Thoughtful About . . . Why
I never considered myself a scientist. Growing up, I wasn't the type to take toys apart to see their inner workings or do my own experiments. When I went to St. John's College (The Great Books School), I didn't quite get it when they said that the most important thing...
Thoughtful About . . . The Fly
I was a kid. I don’t even remember how old, probably about ten. My parents were in charge of the youth at our church, which meant I spent a lot of time there. My favorite thing to do? Slip into the quiet sanctuary and just be there. With no milling congregation, no...
Thoughtful About . . . Being Who We Are
A while back on another blog, I read a post about how, if we're honest, we all have the reader-we-wish-we-were and the reader-we-really-are. Like, we might want to think we're going to read some scholarly, high-falutin' piece of literature for pure fun one...
Thoughtful About . . . Thirteen Things
It's been quite a month. A lot has happened. Some things are up in the air that I thought were solid, other things are solid that had been up in the air. Our home school year has started, and I have two kids in my little classroom this year instead of just one. I'm in...
Thoughtful About . . . Motivation
First, thanks for all the birthday wishes yesterday--I had an amazing day! Now on we go. =) Sometimes reading the Old Testament can be baffling. We're told that the Lord our God never changes, that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Yet when we read about...
Thoughtful About . . . It’s My Party, and I’ll Smile if I Want To
I'll be honest--the week turned pretty crappy on me. I had a couple nasty-bad days there. My first response? Wallow. Only, it's hard to wallow with kids and a hubby who need me on my game, with a gazillion books still needing sent out and edits pending on the...
30 Days of Giveaways! ~ Day 11
Day 10's winner of Ring of Secrets is... Sarah Keimig ! Keep entering all week for a chance at the daily book drawing AND Friday's drawing for winner's choice of one of these two necklaces by Susie Finkbeiner of Inspired Novelties. And for today: Thoughtful About . ....
Thoughtful About . . . Don’t Touch It
The Dentist by Gerard van Honthorst, 1622 I can say in complete honestly that yesterday evening was just terrible. As in, took me all night to recover. Why, you ask? Because my daughter has a loose tooth. Now, Xoe has lost four teeth already, and they were FINE. No...
Thoughtful About . . . Our Reactions
First, I'm a guest today on Inkwell Inspirations, musing on how the Lord calms our storms. It's one of my favorite insights (even made its way into Whispers from the Shadows!), so do swing by! The Child Handel by Margaret Isabel Dicksee Now, I'll be honest. I didn't...
Thoughtful About . . . Being Still
The Dance Class by Edgar Degas It's a crazy-busy week around here right now, with everything from kids' checkups to Xoe's follow-up at Johns Hopkins on Monday. We have ballet rehearsal, ballet recital, I have a book talk on the free night between those...I've got book...
Thoughtful About . . . Ta-Da, Mommy!
Baby at Play by Thomas Eakins, 1876 As a mama working from home with two home schooled kids, one of whom is only kindergarten aged, I know a lot about interruptions. People frequently ask me, "How do you get anything done?" And in answer, I usually have to shrug....
Thoughtful About . . . What a Week
Phew. It's been a week, that's for sure. A rather long one, with trips to and from Baltimore, worry over my brave little princess, and nothing remotely resembling routine. Praise be to the Lord, elbows heal fast, so Xoe's not in pain except for when she bumps it. But...
Thoughtful About . . . Thanks
Tuesday night/Wednesday was, let's say, not great. When I went to bed at 11, I'd meant to set my alarm for 5:30 but forgot. I wanted to get up early to write, but I'd been waking up early on my own, so I figured I'd be fine. At 1 a.m., a very distressed "Mommy!" woke...
Thoughtful About . . . Neat and Tidy
Anyone who knows me knows this title is not about my house. 😉 As I stood in front of my stove cooking dinner (mark it on your calendar!) the other night, with my head still in my novel (not rare enough to be noted, LOL), I got to thinking. I'd just written an...
Thoughtful About . . . Readers, Writers, & Reviews
My parents always read to me as a kid. I started writing when I was, oh, six or seven. It took another year or two for me to love reading (myself) other stories as much as I loved creating my own, but I definitely came down with that bug something fierce. And after...
Thoughtful About . . . A Family of Love
I sat here for a good while this morning debating what to write about. It's Holy Week, my favorite time of year. I love reflecting on all He's given us, on His amazing love in giving up His life to save ours. I think I've had some nice insights over the years,...
Thoughtful About . . . The Nature of Faith
The Christian Martyrs' Last Prayer, painted 1883 by Jean-Léon Gérôme My church has been doing a study of the book of 1 John leading up to Easter. It's such a rich little book, full of the foundations and mysteries of faith. And as I read it and study it out, it does...
Thoughtful About . . . Empty Places
In our home school reading yesterday, we were reading the continued tale of the life of a Prussian missionary to England, George Müller. In the part of the story we got to, he had just gotten married to the sister of a British missionary, and together they had made a...
Thoughtful About . . . New Projects & Retreats
Well, it is nearly time for the event I've been counting down to since last June--a writing retreat with my best friend/critique partner! We're renting a cabin, settling down with our laptops, and taking three whole days (and two partial ones) to do nothing but WRITE!...
Thoughtful About . . . Computers
My computer is going blind. Which is to say, its video card is failing. It's annoying on a good day--it won't play video, crashes any time flash comes up--and kinda terrifying on a bad day when the screen just blinks out and then doesn't recover quite as it should. I...
Thoughtful About . . . Love
I know, a predictable topic for Valentine's Day. 😉 But you gotta love the classics, right? I'm amazingly blessed when it comes to love. I found my true love in high school, got married at 18, and haven't regretted a minute of it. In this day and age, I know that's...
Thoughtful About . . . Potatoes
The Little Potato Peeler by Albert Anker, 1886 I want to be like a potato. Aside from the fact that they don't have hourglass figures, that is. 😉 But every time I reach for one in dinner prep, it hits me anew. I want to be able to sprout no matter where I am. No...
Thoughtful About . . . Only Blocks
For Christmas, my little guy got some Legos. He's got great fine motor coordination and will sit there and happily build some fun things. But last week, he just couldn't get the pieces to stick together like he wanted. And from happy builder he turned into wailing...