Thoughtful Thursdays
Musings on faith, family, & fiction
Though a novelist by trade, one of the trademarks of my books is the spiritual depth and exploration I includes as my characters work through what it really means to walk out their faith. Faith, in fact, is one of the things I like to ponder most. In these once-a-week articles, I gets thoughtful at the crossroads of faith, family, and fiction.
Thoughtful About . . . Things
I have two shoeboxes sitting in my living room, waiting for next week when I'll drop them off at a local church, and they'll begin their long journey to children in need. Children who, so the websites say, may never have gotten a gift before. Children who have never...
Thoughtful About . . . Active Faith
My husband came home one evening a while back with quite a story to tell. He'd met a friend of ours at a local Christian restaurant--a blatantly Christian restaurant, mind you, with a Christian name and which is decorated with nothing but Christian art. They were...
Thoughtful About . . . The Refugee Crisis
In my circles, we hear about the refugees flooding Europe from Syria and the Middle East, driven out by ISIS, and we're horrified. We want to help. We want to learn more. I was a bit surprised to realize that the opinion of my circle wasn't the norm (though I...
Thoughtful About . . . The Contradiction of Freedom
Freedom. It's a subject being discussed quite a bit these days in hot-topic conversations . . . though sometimes I don't think people realize that is at the heart of what they're talking about. Freedom. It's the heart of the Christian faith, something Americans...
Thoughtful About . . . Half of a Unit
We're surrounded by them. Couples. Siblings. Families that are super close. People we think of individually, sure, but also, always, as part of a unit. Over the weekend my husband and I went to the airport to pick up friends flying home from a mission trip. As I was...
Thoughtful About . . . the Colors of God
What does it mean to be made in the image of God? This is a thought that's floated to the surface of my mind several times in the last month or so. I look at all the racial tensions . . . I look at all the unrest in the world . . . I look at all the gender issues . ....
Thoughtful About . . . In Response to Tragedy
Tragedy always strikes. Bad things always happen. Evil always sinks its claws into people and whispers in their ear, Do something about this. Make a statement. Make them see. Good people always get hurt. Broken hearts always cry out. This is tragic. And we all hate...
Thoughtful About . . . Kids These Days
I don't often feel the need to take on Facebook memes. Especially not ones posted by people I actually like. And whose bottom line I can agree with. But I read one yesterday that really got my blood up. It said: "Back in the old days we came home from school & did...
Thoughtful About . . . I’m Not Called
I'm not called to build a wall. Just a section of it. I'm not called to change a nation. Just a family. I'm not called to right all wrongs. Just my wrongs. I'm not called to understand it all. Just to seek understanding through Him. I'm not called to single-handedly...
Thoughtful About . . . I Am
I am a mom--an imperfect one, but one who tries to show her kids what she can...and who is constantly amazed by these two precious little people who latch onto my waist and declare, "Mine! You'll always be my mama!" He is my Father--a perfect one, who shows me in so...
Thoughtful About . . . A Way to Help!
The potato harvest in Bulgaria ~ Food that can change lives! It's been a familiar refrain for me lately--that I don't want to be all talk, I want to do something to share my faith, take a stand, make a difference. And I know I'm not alone in this. But all too often,...
Thoughtful About . . . Where We Stand
It's nearly Independence Day here and America--a time to celebrate all we've fought to achieve. Freedom. Independence. The American Dream. And it's been a week, hasn't it? A week of big decisions for our country with far-reaching implications. A week where all the...
Thoughtful About . . . The Video
I know I provided an almost-transcript of my sermon (man, that feels weird to type, LOL) from the other week, but I thought it would be fun to post the video today. As always, things changes a bit as I turned written notes into spoken words. I hope everyone is having...
Thoughtful About . . . Vacationing with Jesus
Last weekend I had the joy of filling for my dad in the pulpit at our church. I've done this once before, but it was many, many years ago. Like, before Rowyn was born, I yeah. It's been a while, LOL. But I'd just been thinking, a day or two before he asked...
Thoughtful About . . . Support
This is mostly going to be an "I'm so grateful" post. =) Because sometimes, we just need to take the time for those. I saw a blog post last week that got me to thinking. It's about how artistic pursuits aren't silly, and begins with this young mom talking with another...
Thoughtful About . . . Jealousy, Authority, and School
It's going to be interesting to see if I can pull together the seemingly-unrelated thoughts flying through my head today. 😉 Stick around for the ride and see what happens, LOL. I'll start with a confession: I hate award season. Not Hollywood award season (which I...
Thoughtful About . . . Writing and Passion
Passion: though its current definition involves "any strong feeling," it has its roots in pain. Passion comes straight from the Latin passio, which means, quite simply, "suffering." So our English idea of being passionate about means not just something...
Thoughtful About . . . Education
I'm an educator. A home educator, if we're being precise. Every day at 9 o'clock my kids bounce out to the kitchen table, open their books, and say, "Come on, Mama, you're going to be late. Start reading." Every day, I read to them. We read the Bible. We read history....
Thoughtful About . . . Taking Up Our Cross
Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.” ~ Mark 10:21 This week, I tend to look long and...
Thoughtful About . . . A Prayer Request
The Black Sea coast in Bulgaria Since we began using Sonlight curriculum for our homeschooling when Xoe was in 1st grade, we've read a lot of missionary stories--and honestly, those stories are some of the best things we've read (in my opinion), even amidst all the...
Thoughtful About . . . Wisdom and Knowledge
I've always known there was a distinction between wisdom and knowledge. There is, after all, a reason they're listed as two separate spiritual gifts. A reason they have two different words. And while I've long had a basic idea of that difference, I hadn't fully...
Thoughtful About . . . Sacrifices and Blessings
Last week we wrapped up the Bible study we'd been doing on Sacred Parenting--and the last session was on how parenting is all about sacrificial love, which teaches us what it is. A crucial step in the Christian faith, which is built on sacrifice. It was a great study,...
Thoughtful About . . . Quite a Week!
It's been a crazy-busy week (aren't they all?), and I wanted to take today to regroup, draw your attention to some things, and...well, frankly, go teach the canal class at my kids' homeschool group. 😉 First of all, I want to announce the launch of the website for...
Thoughtful About . . . God, Science, and Agendas
There seems to be an idea today (okay, for quite a while), that faith and science are at war. I’ve heard scientists say only fools believe in God as the Bible paints him. But what concerns me more is that lately, from every direction, I’ve been bombarded with...
Thoughtful About . . . My Boy
Today is one of those milestones (so forgive me for posting my "thoughtful" post a day early, LOL). My baby turned 7. My youngest, my little guy. Proving yet again that time marches ever onward. So as is my tradition, I figure I'll take time out of my normal scheduled...
Thoughtful About . . . What Matters
I can't tell you how many times I've heard it: "Everything you do, do it for the glory of God." A beautiful sentiment, right? But it always left me going, "Yes!" How do you change a diaper for the glory of God? How do you cook dinner for the glory of God?...
Thoughtful About . . . Being Good
Be good. It's a familiar refrain, one we probably say to our children a gazillion times. Whenever we send them off to a friend's house, or on those days when The Sibling Wars are especially fierce. It's understood that there are the good things to do and the bad. That...
Thoughtful About . . . Purifying Ourselves
This week, my husband went to a friend's Bible study to see about helping them with recordings. Then the next day we went to our Bible study with other young parents. Then the next day, we went to church. And those three days in a row, using three different...
Thoughtful About . . . Being Deliberate
I often, like many others, pray for a word for the new year as the old one draws to a close. Unlike most people I know who do this, I don't generally get my word before the year begins, LOL. Instead, mine seems to come the first time I go to church in the new year....
Thoughtful About . . . Santa Claus and Giving
I admit it. Readily. I have occasionally had issue with the Santa question. I have friends who never introduced the concept, and part of me always wished I had put my foot down on it too. Because I never really introduced it. I just let it creep in. Whenever my kids...
Thoughtful About . . . The Real Spirit of Christmas
A couple weeks ago, my kids said something that got me thinking. We were in the van, heading somewhere or another, talking about how Christmas is coming soon. Rowyn asked what day of the week it was on, and Xoe said, "Thursday. Hey, that means that in a couple years,...
Thoughtful About . . . Greater Works Than These
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father." John 14:12 I had quite a few verses of Scripture that I kept in mind while writing A Soft Breath of...
Thoughtful About . . . Stolen Blessings
It was probably 20 years ago, though I don't remember the exact date. I was just a kid, at home in my safe little world. But we had friends who had gone into missions. The whole family, gone for months at a time, off spreading the good news. This time, it was to...
Thoughtful About . . . My Girl
It's Xoë's birthday. That means cinnamon rolls and homemade macaroni, and a day off school (woo hoo!). It means presents and pink and laughter and fun. And a mommy who solemnly swears to stay off her computer most of the day. Of course, Xoë isn't up yet, so here I am....
Thoughtful About . . . Fame and Fortune (Or Not)
When I was a kid, I had big dreams. And this idea that writers lived on mansion on hilltops. I thought that surely, surely fame and fortune awaited me down that road. That I'd be a household name. That people would squeal with excitement when they met me. That I'd be...
Thoughtful About . . . Everyday Crazy
Autumn...always crazy around here I can't tell you how many times I've said or written the words, "Sorry, this month has been crazy." I think I probably utter/type it at least once a month. Because, let's face it, life is crazy. It's always crazy. And though I always...
Thoughtful About . . . Being a Johnny
This past weekend, I was in Annapolis. Strolling old, familiar streets, laughing with old, familiar friends. Striding across rain-dampened grass that I've darted over many a time, struggling to keep a book-laden bag on my shoulder. It was homecoming weekend at St....
Thoughtful About . . . Seashells
Last week, my family had the joy of vacationing in Hatteras, on the southern tip of the Outer Banks of North Carolina, as far south as one can go before needing a ferry to continue. We basked in the sun. We played in the waves. We relaxed. And we collected seashells....
Thoughtful About . . . Reading as an Editor
I admit it--I don't read for pleasure as much as I used to. Mostly because during the school year, I spend so many hours a day reading to my kids, writing, and editing that by the end of the day, my eyes and brain say, "Nope, we're done. Stare at the television or go...
Thoughtful About . . . Random Things
This marked our first full week of homeschool. And I admit it--I haven't adjusted yet. I'm still a wee bit frazzled by how much long it's taking us this year (so far--hopefully it'll streamline a bit), and what that means in terms of time to do other things. So I...
Thoughtful About . . . Being 32
It's my birthday! And yes, I claim my age. I'm 32. Not 29-for-the-4rd-time. Just plain ol' 32. Okay, okay, so I was still 31 when this picture was taken... but it's recent. That'll just have to do. The funny thing is, I still feel like one of the "super young"...
Thoughtful About . . . Are We Slaves?
I've come across it in several places lately. Usually from women. Women who are tired, stressed-out, spread thin, and either at or "recovered from" their breaking points. Women who give and give and give. And who have reached the point where they're now saying, "Tend...
Thoughtful About . . . Bad Guys
One of the lessons I heard taught in one of the first writing classes I took at my very first conference touched on bad guys--and how a writer's job is to look inside them and find a redeeming quality to make them three-dimensional. Good advice. Except sometimes, in a...
Thoughtful About . . . A Year
Well, I've done it. I finished my read-the-Bible-in-a-year program. A smidgeon late, I grant you--those weeks of working on the old house happened to fall during a stretch with looooong assignments that I could never finish, so I got behind. But I finished my...
Thoughtful About . . . Right and Wrong
There is absolute Right. There is absolute Wrong. I believe this, absolutely. There are things we should never, ever do, and things we always should. There is sin. There are consequences. There is righteousness. Then there's the gray. Sometimes it blurs up against the...
Thoughtful About . . . Ah, Memories
First of all, don't forget that there's a giveaway going on for a copy of Circle of Spies! Hop over to Colonial Quills and enter! ~*~ One of my grinning-est moments while cleaning out the closets and whatnot at our old house was when I stumbled...
Thoughtful About . . . Lightning
A couple weeks ago, my hubby showed me a video of a truck driving along a street. From the open fields on the other side of it, I'd guess it to be in the Midwest. Truck's just driving along, when wham! A fork of lightning comes searing down and hits the truck. Not the...
Thoughtful About . . . Relief (and a Winner!)
First off, big congrats to the winner of my Fashion Find Challenge! Angi Griffis Angi gets to lay claim to all those awesome books, and her entry from Sunday was the one selected. Now on with today. Or, er, I guess I'm talking about yesterday, LOL....
Thoughtful About . . . In His Eyes
Reality and our minds' eyes very rarely agree. Depending on the type of person we are--and the situation--we tend to see things in extremes. As either terrible or grand, though it's really somewhere in between. Right now we're doing some remodeling of our old house....
Thoughtful About . . . Cleaning Out
Last fall, we moved. But we moved in a rush, to a smaller house that was given to us by my hubby's grandfather. We had a lot of work to do on the old one, so were in no rush to sell. We took what we needed right away...and then the bad weather closed in. It was not a...