Thoughtful Thursdays
Musings on faith, family, & fiction
Though a novelist by trade, one of the trademarks of my books is the spiritual depth and exploration I includes as my characters work through what it really means to walk out their faith. Faith, in fact, is one of the things I like to ponder most. In these once-a-week articles, I gets thoughtful at the crossroads of faith, family, and fiction.
Thoughtful About . . . What We Stand For
A year and a half ago, I wrote a post about how, in our churches, we needed to take a stand--not for what we're against, but for what we're for. But as my husband and I were talking a few weeks ago about how to really change the culture, he hit on this again. And I...
Thoughtful About . . . Preserving the Sacred in Historical Fiction
For the past few weeks...or perhaps months...I've had this realization swirling through my mind. One that explains why I like some historical fiction better than others. One that most of the world (or at least the mainstream world) doesn't seem to share. My thoughts...
Thoughtful About . . . The Collective
Last Thursday, my family used some Christmas money to attend a hockey game in Pittsburgh--something we've been wanting to do for years. Six years ago, hubby and Xoe went to one while I stayed with Rowyn in the hotel room (because he wasn't quite 4 and had a hard time...
Thoughtful About…Sales!
Yup! That's right! I am excited to start offering sales on my books in my personal bookstore. (You can find this on my website HERE.) The Lost Heiress is currently FREE for Kindle on Amazon. So I thought I would give you the opportunity to get the next book in the...
Thoughtful About – A New Adventure
I totally stole the title inspiration for this blog...from the other person embarking on this adventure with me. 😉 I think she'll forgive me. (Check out her post here) So, a few weeks ago my husband said, as he has said many a time before, "You need an...
Thoughtful About . . . Heroes
Whenever I have a new book release, there's always that anxiety about how readers will connect with my characters. Oh, I've had some input by this time. Critique partners, beta readers, editors. And they all have their unique opinions. Their perspectives. As I've been...
Thoughtful Guest Post by Mesu Andrews
Today I'm happy to welcome my friend and fellow biblical fiction writer Mesu Andrew to the blog, with a very special post. To go along with her upcoming release, Isaiah's Daughter, Mesu has written a small devotional that is available as a free download to anyone who...
Thoughtful About . . . Who We Get to Be
I've had several ideas lately for Thoughtful posts. But it seems like every week, I run out of time, and blogging slips down my to-do list until it falls off the edge. =/ So when I pulled up a new post today, I'm not sure why I typed into that title line "Who We Get...
Thoughtful About . . . A Living Water Faith
There's an old-world definition of "living water"--it means water that moves. Dead waters are stagnant--you don't want to drink from them, and sometimes things can't even live in them. For instance, the Dead Sea. Now, this place is pretty amazing in a lot of ways. The...
Thoughtful About . . . The Journey to Mom
Over the last few months, a landmark change has come upon me. It started gradually--now and then, out in public. And then it became more common even at home. And now I know it's here to stay. My daughter has stopped calling me Mommy and now calls me Mom. It's a...
Thoughtful About . . . A God Who Loves
As so typically happens, I've been letting ideas simmer in the back of my mind that combine my current Bible reading, things I've been reading to my kids, and conversations and sermons from church. I love when all these lines cross and combine to lead me to a knew...
Thoughtful About . . . Found in Surrender
Last week we passed an idyllic seven days at the beach in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I expected to have a great time--and I did. I had a fabulous time. We generally do. But as a mama, I've also known my fair share of vacation frustrations. Because you don't...
Thoughtful About . . . What We’re Remembered For
In recent weeks, there's been quite a hullabaloo over statues. It's started in the US and has even spread to the UK. Voices are raised. Blood pressure is up. People are shouting at each other from both sides. On the news the other evening, I heard someone call for the...
Thoughtful About . . . The Gift of a Blessing
Last weekend I had the honor of filling in in our church's pulpit. I sat down to write my sermon thinking I'd base it on a blog post from last August . . . but was in for a surprise as I did some more research. Did you know that the English definition of blessing...
Thoughtful About . . . Doing All Things Through Him
Last weekend, my dad preached on a rather familiar passage in Philippians 4. His sermon was great, focusing on how God can conquer any of our weaknesses and enable us to do the work He calls us to. It was a message full of things you just want to shout "Amen!" to....
Thoughtful About . . . Our Legacies
Yesterday, I attended the funeral of my 103-year-old great-grandmother, who passed away over the weekend. And while I was teary-eyed and sniffly at it (which is for me the equivalent of outright crying), I didn't leave the service feeling wrung out or devastated or,...
Thoughtful About . . . Assumptions
So I've been working through some things this week--and anyone who knows me knows that my "working through" usually involves writing. Where better to compose my thoughts, then, than for you all, right? 😉 I think the kernel of what's been bothering me is assumptions....
I Corinthians 11-16
I'm not sure where this week went--I knew yesterday was Thursday, because I had prep work to do for our Thursday-before-Resurrection-Day dinner...but that it should have been a blogging day totally escaped me. It's been that kind of week. 😉 Anyway! As we're here in...
Thoughtful About . . . John 1-4
As I've begun this year's 40 Days of Jesus reading for Lent, it's been fun to begin with some of the most famous passages in the New Testament. The Gospel of John begins with that well known "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was...
Thoughtful About . . . Talking and Walking
So wow, it's been a week of political opinions again, hasn't it? Reporting and misreporting, deciding, shouting, threats of protest. I have sworn years ago that you'd never hear me shouting my political views from my writing platform. And in part it's because I have...
Thoughtful About . . . I Am (repost)
I'm sure I could find something original to write about today. But as I was thinking about what I'm thinking about (sure--that made sense), I realized that I'd already written about it. So I went and looked it up and reread it, and it still stands. 😉 So if you read...
Word for the Year – Overcome
I'd been praying for a word for 2017, as I usually do. Most of the time God will give me one when I ask, but there have been years when nothing has stood out. I had a feeling, as I prayed over the last few days, that this was going to be a no-word year. But then...
Thoughtful About . . . 2016
It's that time of year again. The calendar says there's only one more day left in the old year. Facebook keeps trying to show me my year in review. Friends on there are all posting about hopes for 2017, fresh starts, saying farewell to the old. I've always loved to...
Thoughtful About . . . What a Day
I had planned to have something brilliant and insightful to blog about today. I intended to think about this yesterday. Instead I . . . * Took my cat to the vet and ended up leaving her there overnight. Poor kitty has an impacted bowel and needed an enema. =( * Spent...
Thoughtful About . . . Our Voices
If this autumn has hammered anything home in the United States, it's that everyone has an opinion. Not that I didn't already know this, but seriously. I heard more opinions this election cycle than I can ever recall witnessing before. Every time we touched a toe into...
Thoughtful About . . . God and Democracy
Well, here we are, on the other side of the election. The results are in, the new president is declared, and some less-than-peaceful protests are under way. I have friends who are gloating, friends who are weeping, and friends (the vast majority) who say something...
Thoughtful About . . . The Real Decision this November (And Always)
I admit it--I'm sick of it. All the politics on the news, the divisiveness, the fact that I can't go on Facebook without my friends' feed being an explosion of vitriolic "Who I'm voting for and why" posts. It makes me tired. But more, it makes me sad. And here's why....
Thoughtful About . . . The Right View of God
Our Bible studies are famous for getting off track . . . but resulting in some awesome discussions. Last night our study of Daniel led us to a conversation on why people might lose faith--why, specifically, God might put them in a situation where they end up losing...
Thoughtful About . . . Blessings?
I'm not sure when this thought hit me--but it was in the last month or so. One of those things that has niggled and wiggled around in my head and then burst into realization during a sermon in church one week. I'd been wondering about blessings . . . and if we really...
Thoughtful About . . . Our Stories
As a writer, I know all about picking the interesting times to write about--we leave out the boring stuff, right? Or the unimportant stuff. We certainly don't spend pages describing something that will never come up again. It's something I've noticed in biblical...
Thoughtful About . . . For and Against
I just got back from a couple days at a church conference, and the director said something in one of his presentations that resonated with something my husband and I had been discussing too. And that is this: One of the greatest perceived failings of the modern church...
Thoughtful About . . . Faith Like a Tumbleweed
A few weeks ago, I heard an analogy about the kind of life we should live; that we should be an oak tree, solid and tall, a pillar of the community, the kind of person people respect and will miss when we're gone, etc. That we shouldn't be a tumbleweed, aimless and...
Thoughtful About . . . When We’re Pressed
Life is hard. So often we feel pressure. People are pushing us. Prodding us. Poking us. Sometimes, when circumstances are weighing heavy, we get that tight feeling in our chest, right? Or in our stomach. Stress. Overwhelm. We get tired. We get frustrated. We react....
Thoughtful About . . . Being “Too Young”
It's a busy week here in the White House. David's birthday was on Sunday (and I'd like to give a big shout-out of thanks to the Penguins for winning the Stanley Cup that day, which made a fantastic birthday present for that die-hard fan. When they won, I looked over...
Thoughtful About . . . The Mismatched
When I got married, I filled out a registry. A wish list. It had on it all the things one would expect--dishes and cookware, sheets and towels. All of them, sets. Matching. Off-white plates with flowers around the edges. Matching cups. A set of cutlery. Glasses that...
Thoughtful About . . . Whatever Things Are True
I daresay we've all read Philippians 4:8-9. I know I've read it many times. I've heard it quoted. I've read bloggers and reviewers who make it their mantra . . . and occasionally I have been seriously irritated when people condemn something using this as their excuse....
Thoughtful About . . . Each One
Back in the early days of my publishing career, my only books were from WhiteFire. Which is, of course, our company. This meant that in those first years, I knew of pretty much each sale. Individually. I could track my every effort to know which ones were working....
Thoughtful About . . . Contests and Awards
My Monday started out pretty normal--I was editing Giver of Wonders, which made me two minutes late to get our homeschool day started. Had a load of laundry in. As soon as morning classes were done, I ran to get dressed, get the garbage down to the end of the...
Thoughtful About . . . Indulgence and Forgiveness
I got up this morning and realized it was Thursday. Time to get thoughtful. I opened my blog. Drew up a clean post. And sat. Staring. Waiting for inspiration to strike. Sometimes I know days or weeks in advance what I want to write about on Thursdays. Sometimes I even...
Thoughtful About . . . To Each His Own
It's no secret that there are a lot of different types of people in the world. That we all have different personalities. Different outlooks. That there introverts and extroverts and whole personality-naming-systems with letters to label each part of your personality....
Thoughtful About . . . Lacework Lives
Yesterday, I was talking to my husband about loss. His grandfather recently passed away; and this was a man we saw nearly every day. We're currently living in the house he'd had built on the family property, just a short walk from the apartment we'd helped build for...
Thoughtful About . . . Great Men of Faith
What makes a hero of the faith? A Paul? A Nicholas? A George Muller? A John Lake? A Mother Theresa? What makes someone the kind of Christian that earns him a place in church history? The kind whose stories we tell each other to buoy each other up, to teach each other...
Thoughtful About . . . When He Calls
Last weekend my husband, dad, and I went to visit a local church and speak about the missions trip they had taken in October, and of the service organization we've begun. After speaking of the trip for so long, the mike got handed to me to cover the org--though I'd...
Thoughtful About . . . Lost Truth
(First, I'd like to apologize for my blog being abandoned this week--we've had internet connectivity issues, and though I thought I posted, it didn't go through, those posts will just be saved until next week, LOL.) In our homeschool Bible reading,...
Thoughtful About . . . The Path
In October, my husband David and father went to Bulgaria. Their goal was the refugee camp in Harmanli, on the Turkish/Bulgarian border. Their purpose was to interview Syrian refugees and learn their story. The result is a short film called Along the Path. Where my...
Thoughtful About . . . the Old Year, and the New
I know, I know. Every blogger in the whole blogosphere is reflecting now on the exit of 2015 and the entrance of her baby sister. But under the firm belief that reflection is good for the soul, I must join in. 😉 As I look back over 2015, I see a year full to...
Thoughtful About . . . Finding Christmas
Obviously, Christmas has been on my mind. And on my television. And in my news feed. It's everywhere I look, and that's awesome and fun. But this being me, I can't just let it pass without thought. So I figured I'd share my reflections this year on the holiday...and...
Thoughtful About . . . Inspiring Generosity
How do you inspire generosity in your kids? This is a question I'm asking myself a lot lately. Because while one of my children would give up absolutely anything to help someone else, the other is hard pressed to ever think about giving. Or want to give, even when...
Thoughtful About . . . Offense
It's officially the advent season. The time of year when decorations are everywhere you turn, where cheerful lights proclaim Christmas around the corner, where you expect smiles from your fellow man and sales in the stores and happy greetings to be upon lips....
Thoughtful About . . . Hatred, Fear, Terror, and How to Defeat Them
It's been an ugly week. A terrible week. My heart and prayers have dwelt much with the people of Paris after the horrible attacks. My heart is heavy that so many have tried to use it as a platform for their own agenda. I won't be one of those. I just want to talk...