Thoughtful Thursdays
Musings on faith, family, & fiction
Though a novelist by trade, one of the trademarks of my books is the spiritual depth and exploration I includes as my characters work through what it really means to walk out their faith. Faith, in fact, is one of the things I like to ponder most. In these once-a-week articles, I gets thoughtful at the crossroads of faith, family, and fiction.
A Year of Promise
PROMISE. That was my word for 2019. As I blogged about it way back in the first week of January, I said I'd keep an eye out for how God's promise would play out in my life this year. Confession: I really didn't. In fact, I didn't even remember that it was my word of...
The Light Has Come
Last weekend, my dad's Christmas sermon began not with the familiar passage from Luke, but with John. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and...
Thoughtful About . . . Written on Our Lives
A couple weeks ago, my church watched Mom's Night Out--a rather hilarious Christian movie that we all thoroughly enjoyed. In one scene, the heroine's little girl is drawing on the walls with markers--Mommy ends up putting frames around some of them rather than...
Thoughtful About . . . Broken Vessels
Sometimes we are broken. Cracked. Chipped. Completely undone. Sometimes, no matter how much is poured into us, it feels like it all comes leaking back out. Sometimes life just keeps throwing rocks at us, making those chips and cracks grow. Maybe there's been a...
Thoughftul About . . . New but Eternal
22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; 23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV) One of the most amazing things about our...
Thoughtful About . . . Elevators
How do we approach conversation? Is it just a means of exchanging information? Letting our opinions be made known? Are we trying to help others? Broaden our understanding? Do we go at it with no purpose--or with a self-serving one? If you're anything like me, the...
Thoughtful About . . . Soul-Tidying
I'm not the world's best housekeeper. This is no secret--I mean, I put it right in my official bio. 😉 Yes, "pretending my house will clean itself" is part of my charming naivete. Ahem. Or at the very least, keeping everything put in its proper place isn't my priority....
Thoughtful About . . . The Revealer of Secrets
“Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, For wisdom and might are His. 21 And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding. 22 He reveals deep and...
Thoughtful About . . . Looking to the Rock
We all know the story of Moses bringing water from the rock. We know it not only because it was another in a long line of miracles, but because it's the one that he did wrong--the one that made God say Moses wouldn't be allowed to enter the promised land. In case it's...
Thoughtful about . . . Different Rooms, Same House
I'm in the midst of reading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis . . . something I can't believe I've never read before. And something I've already been nodding along with so much it's a wonder my head hasn't come loose. 😉 Given that the release of The Number of Love has...
Thoughtful About . . . Cast Down
Over the weekend, a summer storm raged. The wind blew, the rain lashed down, lightning pierced the sky. Monday morning, I went for my usual morning jog, and I saw something that made me pause. Two birds' nests, blown out of the trees and deposited on different parts...
Thoughtful About . . . The Truth of Us
Pride. It's something I've struggled with a lot over the years. Something I'm continually learning to keep in check. Something I've needed to learn to master so that it's not master of me. Something I've therefore given a lot of thought to and explored in my writing...
Thoughtful About . . . Taking the Long Way
Do you ever stop to wonder how different our lives might look if, instead of searching for the most expedient way, we looked for the most meaningful? The word shortcut has existed in English since the 1500s...and I'm sure the idea of it has been around long before...
Thoughtful About . . . Community
Last week I talked a bit about how God often speaks to me through what I call "themes"--ideas that keep coming at me over and over, from different directions. The one I focused on last week was "Being Complete." But another topic has been popping up all around me too....
Thoughtful About . . . Being Complete
God speaks to us in a lot of ways. For me, He often speaks in what I call themes. Ideas that keep popping up over and over, in a variety of places, coming from all sorts of people. When I notice these recurring themes, I know it's time to pay attention--and to dig a...
Thoughtful About . . . The Truth
I have always believed in the Truth--the kind with a capital T. I reject the idea that it's relative, that there is no Right and Wrong, just "right for me" and "right for you." I believe that this ultimate Truth is part of God. He's the one who determines it, who...
Thoughtful About . . . Tearing Down
I'm never sure how to explain how thoughts coalesce in my brain. Usually, it's topics that keep coming at me from different angles. In this case, those angles are various discussions we've had lately at church, with fellow authors about topics in books, and also about...
Thoughtful About . . . The Wind
The sunrise down my driveway We live in the mountains. Specifically, the Appalachians in West Virginia. Our home is nestled up against the side of one of these mountains, in a little bit of a valley. It's wooded--the sort of area where it's more remarkable to see open...
Thoughtful About . . . Happiness and Joy
This past week, my church's Wednesday night Bible study just began Philippians. Well, we didn't really get much into the book itself; we read the intro from someone's Bible, which said that the book was all about JOY, which is only to be found in Christ, as opposed to...
Thoughtful About . . . Speaking Foolishness – and Writing Your Story
After two weekends in a row away from home (which is when I'd usually have prepped blog posts), I'm still playing catch-up on the blog. So today, rather than just sharing my thoughts, I want to share some other people's. =) First is my husband, David. As I'm sure...
Thoughtful About . . . The Magic
Well, I'm back from my writing retreat. My manuscript is complete. A weight has been lifted from my shoulders. And as it eased off, I couldn't help but contemplate about this strange thing that is a creative's mind. The doubts that always plague us. This was the sixth...
Thoughtful About . . . The Word of God
What does it mean when we call the Bible the infallible Word of God? This is something my husband and I have been talking about from different angles lately. Something that will probably get some vehement reactions, LOL. But something I really think bears thinking...
Thoughtful About . . . Fasting
Given that today is Mardi Gras and tomorrow begins Lent with Ash Wednesday, I decided to bump my usual Thursday post up a few days to talk about something relevant to the season. Fasting. I find the modern take on fasting very curious. There are those who do it...
Thoughtful About . . . Honest Faith
Have you ever noticed how often children appear in the Gospels? Have you ever wondered why? Time and again, Jesus not only encourages children to come to Him, He holds them up as the examples of true faith. In Matthew 21, after He's just cleared the temple, the...
Thoughtful About . . . Romance
When I looked down and realized that my normal Thoughtful post this week would be on Valentine's Day...well, it didn't take a genius to realize what my topic ought to be. 😉 But deciding what particular slant I wanted to take on a very general topic proved much more of...
Thoughtful About . . . A Different Response to Abortion Questions
The events of the last couple weeks, as NY passed the bill legalizing late-term abortion, have resulted in some high emotions. I don't watch much news, but even I have seen reactions everywhere. I was horrified when I heard the VA governor, in talking about how "late"...
Thoughtful About . . . The Difference We Can Make
When God created the earth, what did He say? That it was good. What do we yearn for at the end of our lives? That He'll say, "Well done, good and faithful servant." Not only in the Bible, but in pretty much every piece of literature, ancient and modern, we can find...
Thoughtful About . . . Not Just a Laborer
This past week in our church Bible study, we were on the well-known parable of the workers in the vineyard. You know the one--where the landowner hired people at the start of the day for an agreed-upon amount. Then throughout the day, he goes back to the marketplace...
Thoughtful About . . . the Inspiration
We serve a gracious God, don't we? Not only has He given us His Son, His Word, but He continues to speak and minister to us today. As a creative, I can tell you in all honesty that there are many days when I just have to squeeze my eyes shut and say, "Give me the...
The Great Christmas Tree Hunt
Merry Christmas! Everything on the blog this week has been Christmas-themed, as I'm sure you've noticed. 😉 And as a final post before the holidays, I thought I'd just tell you about our little adventure... See, in my family, we get a live tree. If possible, a blue...
Thoughtful About . . . Not a Flower
Many times through the years, I've joked about being a "delicate flower." Generally, this is what I say when there's heavy lifting to be done that I don't want to do, LOL, or when my husband is teasing me and I'm trying to convince him (sort of) to stop. I say it...
Thoughtful About . . . The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving
It's once again that time of year when we set aside time to focus on giving thanks. Thanks to our God for all He has provided. Thanks for all He is. Thanks for all He's made us. It's that time of year when I often pause to remember the start of the American tradition...
Remember When . . . He Made Us His Own
I have been adopted by a king. And so have you. I remember when I was in high school, on one of my piano recital days, I was battling nerves by praying and just dwelling on Him. I can still see the church sanctuary in my mind's eye, with the baby grand piano that I'd...
Thoughtful About . . . Us V. Them?
I believe in Good. I believe in Evil. I believe in absolute truth. I believe that sometimes we land firmly on one side or another of this virtually-eternal war...but only sometimes. I believe that more often than not, we are still in the position of Adam and Eve,...
Thoughtful About . . . What Is Worth Fighting For?
As I'm sure is no secret to you, we live in what's being called an "Outrage Society." People seem to love to get their dander up. To point fingers. To be offended. To declare each other unreasonable, stupid, and declare for all of social media to see that if you think...
Thoughtful About . . . Honoring (Undeserving) Parents
The last few weeks, my dad (who happens to be my pastor) has been preaching through the Ten Commandments. He recently covered number five--the first commandment to contain a promise. Now, he had plenty of material to get through with the focus he chose, and he said up...
Thoughtful About . . . The Purpose of Shame
I'm by no means the first person to tackle this subject, and no doubt others have done it better than me. But last week when I wrote about "Actions, Reactions, and Being Better," I had an anonymous comment accusing me of "woman shaming/blaming." Another of those...
Thoughtful About . . . Actions, Reactions, and Being Better
One of the reasons I love writing historicals is to show that the heart of humanity has never changed. No matter whether you're talking about ancient Egyptians or modern Americans or anything in between, there are a few things that we will always seek--our dreams, our...
Thoughtful About . . . Christian Suffering
In a move strange to fiction-loving me, much of my recent reading (or listening, as the case may be) has been of non-fiction. I've already written about my thoughts on the importance of having heroes in our lives, inspired by The Closing of the American Mind by Allen...
Thoughtful About . . . Why We Need Heroes
I've written about literary heroes before. I've written about what we're remembered for and what I feel is so critical about preserving the legacies even of those with whom we don't agree. Amazon But in listening to a book called The Closing of the American Mind and...
Thoughtful About . . . Lessons from Peter
We've been reading through Matthew lately, and really digging deep, as we tend to do in our Bible studies. This weekend, we were in Matthew 14--quite a chapter! We learn about the beheading of John, and how Jesus sought some solitude after getting the news, He tried...
Thoughtful About . . . The Enemy
For my daily study each morning, I've been reading through a chronological Bible called So That's Why Bible. I love the history and context this Bible gives me--I've never been a huge fan of the "application" style notes in a study Bible, but I've always loved the...
Thoughtful About . . . Friends
Over the weekend, my husband and I took a drive to meet up with some good friends for a dinner, halfway between where we live. We've been trying to do this somewhat regularly, and it's inevitably a wonderful evening. This time, we realized that it's been 18 years...
Thoughtful About . . . There
We set goals. We work hard. We sweat. We cry. We bleed. We tumble down exhausted. We stretch out our hands, willing our fingers to reach that last . . . single . . . inch. Did we get there? There. The end goal. The place we want to be. There. The thing always just out...
Thoughtful About . . . New Wine in Old Wineskins
There's a passage in Matthew. We all know it. But I admit it always baffled me a little. It's from chapter 9, verses 14-17. 14 Then the disciples of John came to Him, saying, “Why do we and the Pharisees fast often, but Your disciples do not fast?” 15 And...
Thoughtful About . . . My Writing Retreat, Spring 2018
Tuesday afternoon, I pulled back into my driveway after a lovely retreat with Stephanie Morrill, best friend and critique partner extraordinaire. Arriving at our rental house, energetic and ready to go! If you've been hanging around my blog any length of time, you'll...
Thoughtful About . . . What’s Worthwhile
When it comes to how we spend our time, there are good ways and bad ways, right? There are things that we deem worthwhile uses of our time . . . and things we deem not worthwhile. Over the last couple weeks, I've had a couple conversations with my best friend about...
Thoughtful About . . . Capability
I'm busy. This is indisputable fact. I'm writing 6 books in 18 months, I homeschool my kids, I do much of the day-to-day running of WhiteFire Publishing, I design book covers and interior layouts, I cook, I (occasionally) clean, I knit, I'm pianist at my church, I'm a...
Thoughtful About . . . Creator
This past weekend I just began my rotation teaching the kids at my church (being a small church, we alternate who's in with them so that the same person doesn't have the responsibility all the time). I decided to start a 36-week course aimed at tweens and teens (our...
Thoughtful About . . . Lord of the Nooks and Crannies
In my church's Wednesday night Bible study, we've been reading through Romans, taking it just a few verses at a time and really digging deep, beneath the easy and accepted answers to try to grasp the subtleties of what Paul is saying. Most recently, we've been in...