About Us
Meet the Ladies
Behind Lady M
Lady M is full of fabulous and frugal fashion advice and always welcomes your questions, ideas, and input!
But (shh, don’t tell!) we have a secret. The Lady M fashion column is actually brought to you by a couple real-life ladies, not a fictional character. I know, I know. You’re shocked, right? 😉
Scroll down to learn more about the Lady M fashion team!

Desirée Flaming
Desirée Flaming is a passionate young artist & writer from the West Coast who loves chai tea, random facts and indie music.
She enjoys drawing children’s portraits, urban landscapes and animals. She’s studying graphic design & illustration, with a dream of her work ending up on a bookshelf near you. She mostly writes informational articles, but she is full of stories and has a few fiction projects up her sleeve. When she’s not drawing or writing, she’s making lists, sewing, talking to interesting people, and blogging about the journey of art and creativity on her blog Flight Patterns.
The link is https://flightpatternsblog.blogspot.com/.

Meagan Myhren-Bennett
Meagan’s love of words began at an early age – starting with bedtime stories read nightly. Her first foray into the printed word was a collection of poems and stories, which was limited to a one-copy printing when she was eight years old. Unfortunately, this rare single copy was lost in a cross-country move. When not creating word magic, Meagan spends her working hours among the stacks of her local library, where she has been happily employed for several years. This Northern Californian native now calls Wisconsin home, with brief excursions in Florida and Illinois in between.
If you want to check-out what books she reads and her thoughts about each you can visit her blogs: https://bloomingwithbooks.blogspot.com/ Her bookish news can be found at https://booksbymeagan.com/ On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest you can find her via her handle @Bloomingwbooks

Roseanna M. White
Roseanna often says she thinks more about clothes than she probably should…and though the average day probably finds her in a T-shirt and jeans, if she goes clothes-shopping it’s always for dresses and fun accessories, which are what she REALLY loves. Writing historical fiction is a great excuse to spend way too many hours drooling over gorgeous gowns from eras gone by, and working some of the loveliest ones into her books never gets old.
You’re already on Roseanna’s website, so you know…if you want to browse, just click all the things! 😉
Articles by Desirée
View the Lady M articles written by Desirée Flaming
Patches don’t have to just be efficient–they can be decorative!
How to Darn
Get a hole in your favorite piece of clothing? No need to consign it to the rubbish-pile! Just darn it!
Articles by Meagan
View the Lady M articles written by Meagan Myhren-Bennett
Old Clothes into Quilted Art
Don’t just throw those old favorites out! When they’re not wearable anymore, you can turn them into art!
Last Second Scarf Saves
A scarf can provide the answer to many wardrobe problems!
Simple Hair Bling Elegance
Bring some bling to your ordinary hairstyle with ornaments from around your house!
Articles by Roseanna
View the Lady M articles written by Roseanna M. White
T-Shirt Makeover
Why settle for a bad fit on a beloved tee?We all have them. Those T-shirts in our drawer that we love for the graphics or the text on them ... but whose cut leaves something to be desired. Maybe they're just too big, or maybe they're actually a unisex T, which doesn't...