Clearance Sale!

Clearance Sale!

(Note: Not my actual house LOL)
Okay, so y’all should see my house. Pretty much every spare wall is lined with book shelves (shocker, right?), including my bedroom. Now, while the living room holds all my reading books, the bedroom is where I store my author copies. And there is literally no more room in there.
Yes, this is why I opened a store on my website, LOL. I have new author copies arriving every 6 months, and I absolutely must clear out some of the previous ones before I can shelve new ones.
Which is what leads me to this rather fun news. Love Finds You in Annapolis, Maryland, my first historical romance, has been handed back to me, and I’ll be re-publishing it with a new title and cover (same interior). But meanwhile, I have 18 copies of the original sitting here, and they need to go bye-bye to make room for new books.

So… I’m running a $5 Clearance Sale on it! 
If you haven’t read this one yet, it’s a great chance to get it for a rock-bottom price. This sale will remain until all copies are sold!

About the Book

In 1784 peace has been declared, but war still rages in the heart of Lark Benton. Never did Lark think she’d want to escape Emerson Fielding, the man she’s loved all her life, but then he betrays her with her cousin. She flees to Annapolis, Maryland, the country’s capital, and throws herself into a new circle of friends who force her to examine all she believes.
Emerson follows, determined to reclaim his bride. Surprised when she refuses to return with him, he realizes that in this new country he has come to call his own, duty is no longer enough. He must learn to open his heart and soul to something greater… before he loses all he should have been fighting to hold.
Thoughtful About…Sales!

Thoughtful About…Sales!

Yup! That’s right! I am excited to start offering sales on my books in my personal bookstore. (You can find this on my website HERE.) The Lost Heiress is currently FREE for Kindle on Amazon. So I thought I would give you the opportunity to get the next book in the series for a discount. From now through Valentine’s Day, The Reluctant Duchess will be 20% off (Print edition AND Signed by yours truly)! This sale is only valid in my shop.
Share with your friends! Copy this link to social media: don’t forget to use the hashtags: #Sale #Books #TheReluctantDuchess @RoseannaMWhite
I will be restarting my Monday LIVE videos with you all on Facebook. I am very excited to chat books with you. Let me know if there is a discussion topic that you would like to see featured! You can check out my past videos HERE. THIS Monday make sure to check in on my Author Page at 7pm EST! I’ll be taking you behind the scenes of A Song Unheard this week and will be giving away one copy to a live viewer!
As most of you know…I have a new book scheduled to release later this year. I am so excited about the Cover Reveal that will be going LIVE on Valentine’s Day! However, as a very special “THANK YOU” to all of my subscribers…You will be the very first to witness this cover in all its glory. I am so giddy about it, I can not WAIT! So be on the look out for the next newsletter…as that will be your exclusive reveal!
If you are not already a subscriber, you can sign up HERE. I am also hosting a giveaway in correlation with the Cover Reveal and subscribers will earn extra entries! (Just so you know😉)

What are readers saying about A Song Unheard???
The Lost Heiress is FREE!

The Lost Heiress is FREE!

Well here’s some exciting news! For the first time in history, one of my full-length novels is available for FREE! The Lost Heiress e-book can be downloaded at no cost from any of your favorite retailers that carry it. This deal will last through January and February, so grab it for yourself and please share!

If you haven’t read The Lost Heiress yet, it’s a book that’s very special to me. When I was 12, I decided I would complete a novel. I finished my manuscript a year later, and that story (after many revisions, LOL) eventually became The Lost Heiress. The kernel of the idea is the same, as are the two main characters. Other than that…er…a few things got changed over the years, LOL. But this story–oh, gracious, this story. Brook and Justin traveled with me for 20 years before it was finally accepted for publication, and I love that this is the book that Bethany House pours their promotional efforts into!

Official description and links:

Brook Eden has never known where she truly belongs. Though raised in the
palace of Monaco, she’s British by birth and was brought to the
Grimaldis under suspicious circumstances as a babe. When Brook’s friend
Justin uncovers the fact that Brook is likely a missing heiress from
Yorkshire, Brook leaves the sun of the Mediterranean to travel to the
moors of the North Sea to the estate of her supposed family.

mystery of her mother’s death haunts her, and though her father is quick
to accept her, the rest of the family and the servants of Whitby Park
are not. Only when Brook’s life is threatened do they draw close–but
their loyalty may come too late to save Brook from the same threat that
led to tragedy for her mother.

As heir to a dukedom, Justin is no
stranger to balancing responsibilities. When the matters of his estate
force him far from Brook, the distance between them reveals that what
began as friendship has grown into something much more. But how can
their very different loyalties and responsibilities ever come together?

And then, for a second time, the heiress of Whitby Park is stolen away because of
the very rare treasure in her possession–and this time only the servants of Whitby can save her.

D O W N L O A D   L I N K S
S E R I E S    S A L E 
And my other Bethany House titles’ digital books are on sale too!
Grab them each for $6.99 or less!
(Sale prices take longer to process on some sites so may not be reflected yet)

Back to School Sale!

Back to School Sale!

With this being our first week of homeschool–and the third book in the Shadows Over England Series being due next week–I know I’ve been neglecting things here on the old blog.

But I’ve been cooking up a treat, anyway! (No, not brownies. Okay, so we made brownies last Friday. But I’m talking about something for you guys, LOL.)

How about a back to school sale on everything in my shop?!

From now until the day after Labor Day, you can get 25% off your entire purchase using coupon code BACK2SCHOOL.

That means 25% off signed copies of the new book. 25% off the fabulous library card tote bags. 25% off everything. Because fall is for reading. Right? (Of course, so is summer…and spring…and nothing beats a book and a hot cup of something while it’s cold outside…)

So hie thee over to and see what must-haves are calling to you. I, meanwhile, will be plowing through the second half of the edits on An Hour Unspent so it’s nice and shiny for my editor, and teaching my kiddos all about Elizabethan England.

Happy weekend!

Retreat and SALE!

Retreat and SALE!

In 24 hours’ time, I’ll be en route to Kansas City for my annual writing retreat with my best friend/critique partner, the awesome Stephanie Morrill. Which means I have approximately two thousand four hundred twelve things to accomplish in the next 24 hours.

So naturally, I decided to add a little more work to my list and just created a Mother’s Day SALE on my website shop!

There are currently 2.5 weeks until Mother’s Day, which is the perfect time to get those gifts ordered–and what makes a better gift than a signed book, right? So from now until 5/6, everything in my store is 20% off with coupon code: MOTHERSDAY17

This can apply to A Name Unknown as well, but please do keep in mind that that book is currently on pre-order, so it will NOT SHIP until I have copies in hand in July.

And that’s all the brain I have for a blog post, because there are still dishes to do and cats to take to the vet and refrigerators to clean out and packing and recording music for church and . . . 😉

If you’re curious about my writing retreat progress this year, I’ll be posting on Facebook each day–and there may even be a random Facebook Live video to show you what it looks like when two writers lock themselves in a room with nothing but coffee, chocolate, and their laptops! (Okay, slight exaggeration. There will also be muffins. And donuts…)

Otherwise, I’ll see you back here next Wednesday!

Sale and stuff!

Sale and stuff!

First of all, I wanted to let everyone know that The Lost Heiress
e-book is on sale from all major retailers! The sale will only run from
April 6th through 8th, so if you haven’t picked this up yet and want
to, now’s your chance!

You can find links to all the major retailers on my website:



I’m excited to be launching a new way of talking to you
guys! This week I’m going to be going Live on my Facebook author page
with details, but here’s the gist. On Monday evenings (when I’m not out
of town or life has the audacity to interrupt), I’m going to be going
Live to chat about one of my books (book will change each time), read
you a selection, talk about the inspiration behind it, and answer any of
your questions (about that title or anything else).

Which book would you like me to start with on Monday April 10? Comment here or fill out this one-question survey!