Awakened Cover Vote
Awakened Cover Vote
Where the magic is in the meeting of those who should never be friends…
I’d love for your feedback on cover style and design for the Awakened series! Your title votes helped me decide on simple 1-word titles like Awakened, Aflame, Amazed, and Alight (though those could of course change for the later books!)
Now, I’d LOVE your take on what sort of cover the series should feature! Photographic, to better match my historical romance covers? Illustrated? Vector art? Scroll down for a big view of each, and then vote!

Option 1 – Photographic
Here’s the first option, the photographic one. This is the style of cover I make most often, so obviously what I defaulted to. This design features my heroine, Arden, the tail of a diving mermaid, and a golden hawk. And, of course, a cliff with a raging ocean.

Option 1 – Photographic
Option 2 is an illustration of the Awakening ceremony that takes place multiple times in the book, the thing that brings the magic to life in a person–a drop of blood spilling into water, its flourishes as it hits telling the master of ceremonies whether there is magic present to be Awakened.

Option 1 – Photographic
And finally, option 3 is vector art, featuring the two vying forces in the world of this book–the mer kingdom, who are embroiled in civil war, and the great hawk that is aiding the heroine in her quest to find her sister.
Vote Now!