Announcing Season 4 of Roseanna White Live!

Announcing Season 4 of Roseanna White Live!

The holidays are over, the set redesign has been (mostly) figured out, and I have been a busy bee brainstorming what content to bring you guys this year. The result?

Roseanna White Live is coming back soon!

February 25, to be exact.

And this season, we’re changing things up a bit. The program will be less just me talking about my own books and more talking about things of interest to Christian readers everywhere! I’m really excited about the schedule I’ve decided on. I don’t have all my guests and topics slotted yet, but here’s the monthly schedule.


“Face to Face”

Interviews with some of your favorite authors, leading with Kate Breslin and Stephanie Morrill


“From the Bookshelves”

Reading a selection of a book (mine and others’) and providing commentary–sometime serious, sometimes funny–on the passage, Mystery Science Theater style


“State of the Booksterverse”

Hot topic discussions with other writers and readers on things like the presence (or lack thereof) of diversity in Christian fiction, what Christian fiction even is, the value of Christian Romance as a genre, how authors should find the balance between happily-ever-after and reality in their stories, and more!


“At the Desk”

This will be when I talk about my new releases, my work-in-progress, projects I’ve been editing, and perhaps book covers I’ve recently designed


“Wildcard Week”

If a month has five Mondays, then the fifth one will be an extra of one of the other four segments, as voted on by the viewers. (There’s been talk of a wheel we’ll spin…we’ll see if that works out, LOL)

And the season will end with (insert bugle flourish)…

An Awards Show!

More information on that will come later =)

I’m super excited about the new structure and lineup! And this season, it won’t only be on Facebook. You’ll also be able to watch from my website and our Roku channel.


I want to know which topics interest you most for the “State of the Booksterverse” episodes! I’d love it if you’d take a minute to fill out this quick form. And please feel free to add topics if there’s something I didn’t mention that you think would make for great conversation.

Launch Team Now Open!

Launch Team Now Open!

Do you love reading and telling people about books? Do you love reading my books? Would you like to receive exclusive content and early access to my newest books? Apply to be an Influencer and you CAN! Sound interesting?
I am currently receiving applications for The Codebreakers Launch Team and would love to have you apply! Now, you may be asking yourself, “What exactly does an influencer do?” It’s pretty easy, you will get a (free) copy of my books, read said books, and then you tell people about them. This can be by reviewing it, posting on social media, through email, or face-to-face. Don’t worry, we’ll help you out along the way. The most important thing to remember is that as an influencer, you will be helping me to create positive buzz about my upcoming books. Have I hooked you yet? Well, if not…

About the Book

Three years into the Great War, England’s greatest asset is their intelligence network—field agents risking their lives to gather information, and codebreakers able to crack every German telegram. Margot De Wilde thrives in the environment of the secretive Room 40, where she spends her days deciphering intercepted messages. But when her world is turned upside down by an unexpected loss, for the first time in her life numbers aren’t enough.

Drake Elton returns wounded from the field, followed by an enemy that just won’t give up. He’s smitten quickly by the too-intelligent Margot, but how to convince a girl who lives entirely in her mind that sometimes life’s answers lie in the heart?

Amidst biological warfare, encrypted letters, and a German spy who wants to destroy not just them, but others they love, Margot and Drake will have to work together to save them all from the very secrets that brought them together.

Are you ready to apply now? Just click the button below to begin the application! Space is limited so don’t delay!
Book Sale!

Book Sale!

 After sharing a bit about this story last week, I decided to offer the SIGNED PRINT copy from my store as this month’s sale.

About the Book

A gift that has branded her for life
Zipporah is thirteen when the Spirit descends upon her, opening her eyes to a world beyond the physical goings-on of the villa outside Rome she has always called home. Within hours, she learns what serving the Lord can cost. Forever scarred after a vicious attack, she knows her call is to use this discernment to protect the Way. She knows she must serve the rest of her life at Tutelos, where the growing Roman church has congregated. She knows her lot is set.
Yet is it so wrong to wish that her master, the kind and handsome young Benjamin Visibullis, will eventually see her as something more than a sister in Christ?
A Visibullis Story

An Hour Unspent eBook is still on sale too!

Below are a few retailers that have the book at $0.79 and $0.99. Please verify the price before you purchase the book as retailers may change the cost. 

November Book Sale!

November Book Sale!

A Name Unknown is on sale! You can find the eBook for just $2.99 on all eBook sites.

She’s Out to Steal His Name.
Will He Steal Her Heart Instead?
Rosemary Gresham has no family beyond the band of former urchins that helped her survive as a girl in the mean streets of London. Grown now, they are no longer pickpockets—now they focus on high value items and have learned how to blend into upper-class society. Rosemary’s challenge of a lifetime comes when she’s assigned to determine whether a certain wealthy gentleman is loyal to Britain or to Germany. How does one steal a family’s history, their very name?
Rumors swirl around Peter Holstein. Awkward and solitary, but with access to the king, many fear his influence. But Peter can’t help his German last name and wants to prove his loyalty to the crown—so he can go back to anonymously writing a series of popular adventure novels. When Rosemary arrives on his doorstop pretending to be a well- credentialed historian, Peter believes she’s the right person to help him dig through his family’s past.
Anger and danger continue to mount, though, and both realize they’re in a race against time to discover the truth—about Peter’s past and about the undeniable attraction kindling between them.

Find A Name Unknown and more Book Deals at Baker Publishing Group.
In my online shop, I am also offering A Soft Breath of Wind for 20% SIGNED print copies!!!

A gift that has branded her for life
Zipporah is thirteen when the Spirit descends upon her, opening her eyes to a world beyond the physical goings-on of the villa outside Rome she has always called home. Within hours, she learns what serving the Lord can cost. Forever scarred after a vicious attack, she knows her call is to use this discernment to protect the Way. She knows she must serve the rest of her life at Tutelos, where the growing Roman church has congregated. She knows her lot is set.
Yet is it so wrong to wish that her master, the kind and handsome young Benjamin Visibullis, will eventually see her as something more than a sister in Christ?
A Visibullis Story

Sale Available ONLY on
COVER REVEAL!!! The Number of Love

COVER REVEAL!!! The Number of Love

It’s that time again!

I confess: seeing my covers is one of the most exciting parts of the whole book-creation process. I mean, I love writing the story. And holding it in my hands for the first time can’t be beat. But getting that first glimpse of a story’s face? Yeah. That’s pure awesomeness right there.
And though An Hour Unspent only released a month ago, I’m already fully immersed in my next series, The Codebreakers. If you’ve read A Song Unheard, then you’re hopefully (LOL) already a fan of this next heroine. Margot De Wilde, little sister of Lukas, takes center stage, all grown up and helping England with her cryptography skills in the mysterious Room 40, intelligence hub of the British Admiralty. Haven’t read Shadows Over England yet? No worries–characters they have in common will just appear like secondary characters, and it won’t be assumed that you’re already familiar with them. 😉 But if you the Ladies of the Manor series, you’ll be excited to know that those characters appear too! Brook actually spurs Margot into a rather funny decision… Anyway!
So, bit of backstory on the cover. On my birthday (August 14) I got an email from my editor that wished me a happy birthday and said they’d actually just wrapped the cover photo shoot a few minutes ago, so he sent me a candid shot from it. Best. Gift. Ever. It was fun to see the set they used (which involved a window set up on blocks and held upright with a clamp) and the model they’d chosen. Aaaaggghhhhhh!!!!!!! That glimpse was enough to know I was going to love the final product.
Then a few weeks later, I saw the cover itself. Oh yes. Total LOVE. It was EXACTLY what I’d asked for. Margot, at an old window, foggy rain beyond it. Writing the number 18 on the glass with a finger. Wearing a long, belted cardigan, hair in waves. Bethany House always does an amazing job on my covers, but this is the first time that my exact suggestion was used, so it made me all the more excited.
So are you ready???? Here it is!
Isn’t it gorgeous??? I love the model they chose–she definitely has that European look that Belgian Margot should have. The expression on her face is perfect. I adore the red of the cardigan–in the story originally it was blue, but I promptly changed it to match, LOL, as we all agreed this color was perfect for the cover. The art deco touches and font is spot-on, and that 18 she’s writing on the window…
What’s the significance of that? Well, you’ll just have to read it in June and find out. 😉 Though, funny story. I showed the cover to one of my writing partners, and she loved it. Then read the manuscript that weekend and had to come back with a thrilled email of “THEY PUT 18 ON THE COVER!!!!” A detail that doesn’t mean a whole lot until you read the story. And then it means everything. 😉
Here’s a bit more about the book:
Three years into the Great War, England’s greatest asset is
their intelligence network—field agents risking their lives to gather
information, and codebreakers able to crack every German telegram. Margot De
Wilde thrives in the environment of the secretive Room 40, where she spends her
days deciphering intercepted messages. But when her world is turned upside down
by an unexpected loss, for the first time in her life numbers aren’t enough.
Drake Elton returns wounded from the field, followed by an
enemy that just won’t give up. He’s smitten quickly by the too-intelligent
Margot, but how to convince a girl who lives entirely in her mind that
sometimes life’s answers lie in the heart?
Amidst biological warfare, encrypted letters, and a German
spy who wants to destroy not just them, but others they love, Margot and Drake
will have to work together to save them all from the very secrets that brought
them together.
(other retailers not yet available)
What do you think of the cover? Do you like the mood? Do you find the image intriguing? Make you wonder about that message on the glass?  What’s your favorite part?

Greater Than Gold – Secrets of Wayfarers Inn – Book 4

Greater Than Gold – Secrets of Wayfarers Inn – Book 4

A little while back you may remember that I shared some book info about the series I am a part of through Guidepost. Exciting news! My first story in the series is now available! YAY! Greater Than Gold is the fourth book in this series and you can find purchase info below! There are 8 other authors contributing to this series, so make sure you check out their books as well. 😉
About the Book
Wayfarers Inn finally opens, just in time for Marietta’s biggest tourist draw, the Sternwheel Festival. But LuAnn, Janice, and Tess’s excitement is tempered when the inn’s ancient elevator breaks down—and handyman Tory Thornton goes missing, leaving a bloody rag behind. When LuAnn finds a valuable and long-missing bracelet in Thorn’s toolbox, suspicions mount—as do the suspects. Has Thorn run off with a treasure that had been hidden in the inn centuries before . . . or has an old enemy caught
up with him? 

As LuAnn and her friends seek to learn more about the bracelet, and how it ended up at the inn, they uncover a tale of theft, betrayal, and sacrifice that dates to the Civil War. As the clues pile up, both for and against Thorn, and hidden pieces of his past come to light, the friends find themselves asking the age-old question: How well do you ever really know someone? And how do you ever know what to believe about the people you think you know?