Writing Roseanna

Word of the Week

Thoughtful Thursdays

History's Story

Books, Books, Books!

Who Do We Hurt?
In this charged political climate, I'm making an effort to read things from both sides of every issue. What am I finding? Aside from a disheartening amount of name-calling on both sides, I'm finding that both sides also often have a solid point. Usually I have a...
Word of the Week – Lent
Ash Wednesday is just a couple days away, and since I'm always fascinated by seasonal words, it seemed like a great time to look up Lent. Why is this the word chosen to represent the 40 days preceding Easter? First, formations of Lent are unique to English (both Lent...
Strength Vs. Power
It's natural to want power. I think often it starts as a reaction--we feel powerless, and so we seek to rectify that. We are ignored or neglected or abused or persecuted, and we want it to stop. How better to stop it than to wrest power from the oppressors, right? We...
Word of the Week – Cadet
Anyone else subscribe to Rebecca Yarros's newsletter? I do, and I admit it--when she sends one out that says, "Are you ready, cadet?" when a new book is about to release, I get a massive grin on my face and scream, "YES!" (I do realize the Empyrean series is not for...

Word of the Week

Since 2011, readers have been enjoying my “Word of the Week” posts, which look not just at the definition of a word, but at its history and etymology. These quick little peeks into words we use every day (or…don’t), are a fun way to learn something new in just a minute or two! Word Nerds, unite!

Thoughtful Thursdays

Though a novelist by trade, one of the trademarks of my books is the spiritual depth and exploration I includes as my characters work through what it really means to walk out their faith. Faith, in fact, is one of the things I like to ponder most. In these once-a-week articles, I gets thoughtful at the crossroads of faith, family, and fiction.

Strength Vs. Power

Strength Vs. Power

So often when we feel helpless, we seek power…but really, what we should be seeking is strength. Let’s examine the difference.

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Not for Us

Not for Us

When God appears, it’s never for the sake of that one person–and always because He’s calling them to help others.

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History’s Story

Nearly all of my books are historicals, which means I do A LOT of research. Check out History’s Story for this novelist’s take on some of the historical tidbits I’ve learned through my research, especially on topics that end up in my novels.

Books, Books, Books!

It goes without saying that with a novelist, it always comes down to BOOKS. These posts are your go-to for book news, cover reveals, book releases, Scavenger Hunts, giveaways, and bookish merch!