Release Day for Yesterday’s Tides!

Release Day for Yesterday’s Tides!

The Story Behind the Story

I feel like I say this a lot, LOL, but this is one of those books that has traveled with me for a loooong time. I first wrote this story over the summer of 2004, in the months following my college graduation. This was the first story to ever wake me up in the middle of the night and NOT LET ME GO. There was just something about Louisa and Rem…something about the Outer Banks setting…something about the idea of love blooming where it shouldn’t that held me in its grip.

That original story, which was only about Louisa and Rem and not at all the time-slip it has turned into, was a contemporary. Louisa was still the handy-woman daughter of an innkeeper in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Rem was still in intelligence, but was an analyst for the CIA. His mom was still a piece of work. 😉 But what made me love these characters and their story so much was, I think, their hearts. Louisa would give up anything, anything for love of her family. She would take any risk, make any sacrifice if it was for the good of those she loved. Rem was a man of deep intelligence, deep faith, and deep heart who wanted to give Louisa her dreams but was afraid he’d stand in the way of them instead.

That first version, written nearly two decades ago, was called Unrequested, Unrequited. I eventually decided that was a bit of a mouthful, LOL, and when I rewrote the book to pitch it to editors back in the 2010s (still as a contemporary romance), I retitled it Yesterday’s Tides. And once again, when I pulled the manuscript out, it held me fast and wouldn’t let me go.

But then I began to get contracts for historicals. My genre was set, my brand began to develop. So what would I ever do with this story that was off-brand, these characters that I thought of every…single…year when my family vacationed in the Outer Banks? It was my best friend/critique partner, Stephanie Morrill, who eventually said, “Make it a historical! Set it during the First World War or the 1920s or something!”

Stephanie is brilliant. 😉

So I planted Remington Culbreath in Room 40, and I waited. I waited for my chance to tell his story.

During another vacation, I found myself flipping through a book on the islands and reading some of the WW2 history, and I thought to myself, “Why did all the interesting stuff happen here during the Second World War? That’s not ‘my’ war!” Then it hit me–TIME-SLIP!!! I could not only write Louisa and Rem’s story in the WW1 setting I’d already created for them in my mind, I could also tell another story that had come to me over the years, the story of Evie and Sterling, at the same time, but set in WW2.

Cue the confetti!!

So while this story is, in many ways, vastly different from that book I first feverishly typed out in 2004, it is also, in some ways, more the story I held in my heart, the one that held my heart. So I threw everything I had at it.

This story is what I call my “key to all mythologies.” (Bonus points if you get the Middlemarch reference, LOL.) In short, there was a character searching for a key that would link every world mythology together. Well, this is the story that combines ALL my stories! We’ve got the Culper Ring, the Ladies of the Manor, the Shadows Over England and Codebreakers worlds. We’ve got a reference to the Secrets of the Isles. We’ve got it ALL, my friends! And I couldn’t be more pleased with how this story turned out.

The cover. The time-slip. The edits. The characters. Be still, my heart!

Or rather, go ahead and race! Because finally, FINALLY Yesterday’s Tides is more than just a story carried around in my heart and mind. It’s one I get to share! This calls for some serious celebration!!!

My Wonderful Readers

I have been blessed with incredible readers and launch team members! Search #YesterdaysTides on social media to see all of their wonderful creations! You can find a few below.

The Official Back Cover Copy

In two world wars, intelligence and counterintelligence, prejudice, and self-sacrifice collide across two generations.

In 1942, Evie Farrow is used to life on Ocracoke Island, where every day is the same–until the German U-boats haunting their waters begin to wreak havoc. And when special agent Sterling Bertrand is washed ashore at Evie’s inn, her life is turned upside down. While Sterling’s injuries keep him inn-bound for weeks, making him even more anxious about the man he’s tracking, he becomes increasingly intrigued by Evie, who seems to be hiding secrets of her own.

Decades earlier, in 1914, Englishman Remington Culbreth arrives at the Ocracoke Inn for the summer, but he doesn’t count on falling in love with Louisa Adair, the innkeeper’s daughter. When war breaks out in Europe, and their relationship is put in jeopardy, will their love survive?

As Evie and Sterling work to track down an elusive German agent, they unravel mysteries that go back a generation. The ripples from the Great War are still rocking their lives, and it seems yesterday’s tides may sweep them all into danger again today.

Bestselling and award-winning author Roseanna M. White whisks you away to two periods fraught with peril in this sweeping and romantic dual-time tale.

What People Are Saying

Visit Robin’s website HERE.

Visit Carrie’s website HERE.

Visit Sarah’s website HERE.

Visit Kristy’s website HERE.


In honor of release day, I’ll be doing a Facebook Live tonight at 7 pm EST! Join me then for more behind the scenes, some fun facts, a bit of the history behind the story, hear me read a short excerpt, be entered into a BONUS giveaway just for commenters, and ask any questions you have!


What is sea glass prayer jewelry? Well, in the story, the WW2-line heroine, Evie, takes daily walks along the shore. She prays, and she collects sea glass and shells. Each item she picks up becomes linked in her mind with whomever she’s praying for at the time. Later, in her studio, she turns those pieces of glass and shell into jewelry…and every time she wears it or works on it, she yet again remembers to pray for the person. Often, rather than keeping it, she’ll give the jewelry to the person in question or their family.

I loved this idea so much when I came up with it, that I immediately went in search of some sea glass jewelry to put in my shop. I love the designs of this jeweler, and I printed up little cards to explain the “prayer jewelry” aspect. Each one you purchase comes with the card and is just waiting to be linked in your heart and mind with a prayer request, so that its vibrant colors can remind you of it each time you wear it!

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for…the giveaway!

To celebrate this long-awaited release, I will be giving away THREE prizes to US-addressees and ONE prize to an international winner!

Three lucky winners will receive a signed copy of the book PLUS a piece of sea glass prayer jewelery!

One winner will receive a copy of Yesterday’s Tides via BookDepository.

Word of the Week – Jargon

Word of the Week – Jargon

Jargon. We all know what it is–“phraseology specific to a sect or profession.” And it’s something that, as a novelist, is both intimidating and useful. I know that if I want my thieves, spies, military personnel, seamstresses, innkeepers, Southerners, Englishmen, pirates, botanists, or vicars to be convincing (wow, I write about a lot of different people!), then I need to capture a bit of the jargon peculiar to them…but not so much that it makes the reader stumble. I have to use it to add flavor without overwhelming.

But…where does jargon even come from?

Interestingly, it’s taken directly from the French jargon, which means “chattering, specifically of birds.” ?!?! Isn’t that fun! By the time it migrated to English from French, it had also taken on the meaning of “idle talk” or “thieves’ Latin” in the French, so when it came to English, it carried that secondary sense with it too. It traces its roots ultimately back to the Latin garrire, which also means “to chatter.” Early synonyms of jargon were “gibberish, jabbering, unintelligible talk.”

By the 1650s, that “unintelligible talk” had begun to be applied to people who used words specific to their fields, which no one outside the fields could understand. Eventually, that became the primary meaning of jargon, while its synonyms kept the broader meanings.

As a writer, we have plenty of our own jargon–how about you in your field? What are some words you use every day that earn blank stares from outsiders (or as we writers call the rest of the world, “normals”)?

Whose Sins You Forgive

Whose Sins You Forgive


We know it’s important. We KNOW that. It’s a key line in the Lord’s Prayer–forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. It’s not only something we’re commanded to do, we confess in that prayer that we will only expect forgiveness in the measure in which we’re willing to give it.

We hear that Jesus gave the power to forgive sins to His disciples after His resurrection, along with the Holy Spirit. John 20:22-24 (ESV) says:

22 And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.
23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld.”

But have we ever really pondered what that means? If you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld.

I mean, whoa. Wait a minute. Is Jesus really saying here that we can choose NOT to forgive, and He won’t either? That God won’t? That someone’s sins can be held against him eternally because WE refuse to forgive?

I’m sure this is something theologians debate–and I’ll leave them to it. Whether He was speaking there to all believers or just His disciples, who became the Fathers of the Church, its first bishops, and so had authority that the common lay person did not. But even so…even so. Let’s consider.

And let’s consider with one particular example.

During the Twelve Days of Christmas, the Church celebrates the life and death of its first martyr, Stephen. We get his story in Acts, and I imagine it’s one we all know–he’s being questioned by the Jewish leaders and gives a stirring confession of Jesus as the Christ, he looks up and sees a vision of Heaven with Jesus sitting at the right hand of God…and that so infuriates everyone that they stone him to death then and there…and a certain man called Saul watched over the cloaks of those doing the stoning.

But there’s another portion of that story too. Stephen does exactly what Christ did in His final moments, exactly what Christ instructed us all to do: he forgave.

He forgave the people who were murdering him. He forgave the people who hated him. He forgave…Saul.

Saul, who of course we know went on to become Paul, the most prolific apostle, without whose writings the New Testament would be pretty short. Paul, who went on to bring the Good News of salvation through Jesus to the Gentiles. Paul, who was arguably one of the most influential Christians of all time.

So…what if Stephen hadn’t forgiven in those final moments? What if he–an ordained deacon in that earliest Church, appointed to service by the Apostles themselves–had instead “withheld forgiveness.” Or as other translations render it, what if he had “retained the sins” of his persecutors? If he had, therefore, withheld eternal forgiveness from Paul?

Would God still have called him…or would He have chosen someone else instead? What would the Church, the very Bible have looked like if Saul had never been blinded on the road to Damascus and converted to Christianity? I believe that the work would have gotten done, yes, through another person. God still would have given the spiritual instruction to His followers…but the words would be different. Biblical writers are God-breathed, but the character of the human author is still seen in them. They put their own touches, their own personalities into them. We even see Paul speaking in some of his letters from his own wisdom, not as a heavenly mouthpiece, per se, which he readily admits. So those instructions certainly would have been different.

The entire course of human history, of Church history, could have been changed if one man–Stephen–hadn’t forgiven.

Who are WE refusing to forgive? What bitterness are we clinging to? What grudges do we refuse to let go of? What people are we therefore hindering from some eternally significant task? Ouch, right? We know how clinging to unforgiveness hurts us…but have we ever considered that our unforgiveness could hurt everyone? That it could have an impact so far-reaching? Have we considered that, because God graciously invited us into His work, gave us authority through the Holy Spirit, our decisions can hold real authority over the spiritual well being of others?

Again, I’m no theologian. I’m not stating definitively that God wouldn’t have called Saul if Stephen hadn’t uttered those words. But I am saying that asking the question should make startlingly clear what Jesus tells us very plainly: forgiveness is inexorably linked to eternity. Forgiveness determines forgiveness. Forgiveness unites us with God. Forgiveness is powerful, for our own souls and for others.

So let’s take Jesus’s words in John 20 at face value: if we don’t forgive someone, they will be condemned for their sins. God will not forgive them.

Is our argument with them worth their soul? Are we willing to answer for that judgment?

Love is hard. Forgiveness is hard. But part of being called to the communion of saints, part of being a true part of the Church, means putting off our sinful natures with all their bitterness and embracing the heart of Christ–the heart that forgave even up until the last minute. An example we see His first martyr following in his last moment.

Don’t wait for your last moment, friend. Embrace forgiveness. Embrace it because it will help you heal; embrace it because it could lead them to salvation; embrace it because  we can’t know what sinners God will use to build a key part of His kingdom…but it could be them.

Embrace it because Christ did.

Word of the Week – Panic

Word of the Week – Panic

Since last week I examined the Greek-mythology-origins of the word clue, I thought I’d stick to the theme and do another word from Greek mythology today. This one I’ve known for many years, so I always just assumed everyone else knew it too…but of course, not everyone has studied the Greeks as much as I have, so let’s take a look!

Panic. We all know the meaning…and the feeling. It’s that sudden fright or terror. That feeling of pulse-pounding dread. Looking at the definition, however, taught me something–it’s specifically fright or fear or dread of the unknown or without a clear cause. So, losing it when your airplane goes out of control isn’t panic–but that sudden fear when you’re walking along a perfectly safe road or hear a weird noise or go into your own dark basement where nothing bad has ever happened is.

What I also hadn’t realized was that the word originally meant “mass hysteria”–it was only used when that feeling hit multiple people at once.

Why? Where did it come from? From the Greek, meaning “pertaining to Pan.” Pan was a minor god, the god of woods and fields, of shepherds and flocks. He’s often pictured as a faun, with goat legs and a human torso (though not always)–and he always, ALWAYS has a set of pipes in hand. That is, in fact, a key part of the myth and the word panic.

Pan, you see, was attributed as the one responsible for those sudden, unexplained noises that caused herd or flocks (of animals or people) to panic, especially when out in the countryside in lonely places. He would play his pipes, and our mortal ears wouldn’t quite know what to make of the godly music, and … there you go. Panic, which is actually short for panikon deima, or “panic fright,” literally “the fright caused by Pan.”

We’ve been using the word in English as a modifying adjective (panic fright) from the 1600s, and then independently as a noun (“he was in a panic”) from about 1708. Interestingly, the verb didn’t come along until 1827, and it first appeared as “to afflict with panic.” Our meaning today of “lose one’s head, get into a panic” didn’t come along until 1902! Panic-stricken is from 1804 and panic-attack from 1970.

A Year of Patrons and Peers!

A Year of Patrons and Peers!

A year ago, I made an announcement here on my blog in a post called “Introducing Patrons & Peers.” I was launching a direct-support, Patreon-style membership group here on my website.

In that initial post, I explained the concept–you could join at two main levels, choosing your support amount within them. Each came with a minimum buy-in but was open from there. You could support me monthly, quarterly, or annually. All members receive a tote bag, digital access to a members-only page on my site with special opportunities to provide feedback or see things from my writer life that others can’t, a coupon to my shop, and access to our private email group and Marco Polo video chat group.

In that post, too, I shared my true hope and heart: that this group would become a community not just about ME and my work, but about ALL OF US, where we could each share our joys, our fears, our accomplishments, our failures, our hopes, and our needs. I wanted and prayed that this group would be what the Church is supposed to be–a place of unity and edification.

It’s now been a year since the group got off the ground with its first members–hilariously, two different young women named Hannah. 😉 I know I talked a bit a few months ago about how the community aspect of P&P had blessed me in amazing ways, but in light of our 1-year anniversary, I wanted to give a special shout-out to this amazing group of amazing, ordinary women who have become a part of my daily life and true friends.

We’re now 30 strong. Nearly all of the members are active either in the email group, in the Marco Polo app, or both. Their support has, from a purely financial standpoint, given me the freedom to say “yes” to some new writing projects. They’ve given me feedback on story ideas, made suggestions for my next biblical fiction with Guideposts, prayed me through exhaustion and cheered me on to deadline after deadline. Those who join at the Peer level get the first signed copies of my books as they release, and the Patron level gets any digital versions that I have the right to share, as happened with Shadowed Loyalty. We have special P&P tea parties for each release–the busiest Zoom parties I’ve ever hosted! We even had a retreat in October, in Georgia, where five of us (a few others had to cancel last minute due to sickness) got together for some creative pursuits, good food, and fun conversation each evening. It was such a great time that they made me promise it would become an annual event.

But it’s so much more than that. This group has become family. One of our members, Caroline, put it nicely a few weeks ago when she said, “You know, I think this group is so amazing because we’re just doing life together. We share the everyday things, you know?” I do. This is exactly why we’ve become such good friends so quickly–because we share the minutia, we share each prayer need and joy, we reminisce together, we read together, we show each other our pets and homes and land and families. We see each other’s children, hear them calling in the background of the video chat app. We talk about frustrations wtih work, concerns for our spouses, exchange funny bad date stories. We pray each other through sickness and share the thoughts we’ve had in our devotional readings that day or week. We share our vulnerabilities and are, in response, strengthened by each other.

We are the Church, living out its mandate to love each other and edify each other. And what I love so, so much, is that the other ladies have said over and again that their experience is just like mine–that they think about each other constantly throughout the day, praying for the needs and wondering about outcomes. That they linger over the insights others have shared and come to new discoveries in their own faith because of it. That they know that this group will be there, will support them, will love them through each trial. We can disagree on things, and that’s fine. Earnest conversation is fun and uplifting. We can cry with each other. We can laugh with each other. We send each other care packages and Christmas cards and hop on to the email or MP app in odd moments when we can’t sleep or are so excited about something or are in desperate need of prayer.

It was only a few weeks after one of the earlier members, Pam, joined that she put words to what we’d all been thinking but hadn’t yet said, “There’s something really special about this group.” She’s right. There is.

I’m still in awe of what my humble idea for Patrons & Peers has become…and I’m humbled each and every time they say, “Roseanna, thank you so much for starting this group!” They call it my obedience to God. They say that He knew they needed this, and that because I listened, we now have this group of friends and family that has so quickly become so important. It felt like a pretty big risk to me at the time. What if no one joined? What if no one found any value in it? What if it just sounded like money-grubbing? Why would anyone want to do this? But I did take the risk, and…wow. God did know. He knew that we all longed for this kind of community, and He gave us all the bravery and boldness to accept it when it was offered. He helped us all to open our hearts in vulnerability to each other.

And now not a day goes by that my family doesn’t hear me saying, “Lynn said… Pam told us this story… Candice shared… Caroline makes… Deanna’s mother-in-law… Betty’s husband… Danielle’s latest book…” and so on. We’ve learned from each other. We’ve helped each other. We’ve earned mentions in each others’ Christmas letters. 😉 Our members have been meeting up when travel takes them near each other. We share recipes and book recommendations and send each other cards and gifts. It’s just…amazing. It’s community. It’s family.

As always, the invitation to join the group remains open to whoever else feels the stirring of the Lord to accept that invitation. You can find the page with full explanation of “official benefits” here. You can read my initial post about it here. You can read my musings on the wonder of our community here. And of course, you can see what a few of the members have to say. Because they are what truly make this group worth joining.

I signed up for the group thinking it would be a way to get more inside information from one of my favorite authors as well as a way to get new books. It has been utterly fascinating, from a nonwriter perspective, to learn all the steps in the process from bringing the idea of a story into a book that I hold in hands. However, even more fascinating, has been the development of relationships with ladies all over the country through means of video messages via Marco Polo, emails, or zoom get togethers. My Roseanna Girls, as I’ve come to think of these ladies, have become a part of my daily life as we share accomplishments and set backs, goals, dreams and routine aspects of our varied daily lives. They have become my prayer partners, my creative inspirations, my source of book recommendations and (although I’ve never met them in person) some of my dearest friends.

from North Carolina

I don’t have time to follow up on everything that gets said, so I think I’m pretty inactive in the group, but I have loved seeing how people ask for prayer and we can all come together. It’s way more personal and cozy than a Facebook group, and that’s the best.

I also LOVE getting to interact with an author that I love and seeing some of the behind the scenes action. ; )


from Kentucky

P&P has ended up being so much more than I ever expected! I’ve got new friends (who love books) all over the country, and the prayer support is amazing. The Zooms are so special. And then there’s getting to read Roseanna’s new books and discuss them together! When I first signed up, I wondered if I’d keep going or just join for a year. Now I can’t imagine not renewing and keeping up with these dear sisters in Jesus!

from Northern California

I first joined Patrons & Peers because Roseanna is one of my favorite authors and I wanted to support her. Plus the opportunity to interact with other readers sounded great. It’s turned out to be thousands of times better than I ever anticipated. This group of women have become dear friends. I look forward to hearing what’s going on in everyone’s lives—from the little things to the big things. Is it a small group? A book club? A Bible study? Yes and all the above. I’ve felt supported and challenged and loved by these women all year long. Joining was one of the best investments I’ve made and I’m excited for sharing the days ahead with my fellow Patrons and Peers.

from Wisconsin

This group has been so encouraging to me as a beautiful form of church! Whether sharing triumphs, sorrows, or troubles, the ladies in this group are so faithful to pray, uplift, sympathize, or rejoice. There is an openness in this community that is just lovely. We may not all agree in all areas of life, but we can express our opinions and hear and learn from others without fear of harsh criticism. And how fun it has been to connect with friends all across the States!

from Michigan

While the insights on Roseanna’s latest work in progresses is why I joined her Patron and Peers group, it’s not the reason why I continue to stay. Each week I have the joy of hearing the highs, the lows, and the mostly ordinary part of other ladies’ lives. We encourage, pray, and rejoice for one another. Without trying to be cliché–but it’s true–there aren’t enough words to describe the beauty of this community that God has joined together through Roseanna’s yes to a dream of hers.

The icing on the cake for this group was attending a creative retreat, where yes I did get my meet my favorite author, but also got to bond and form deeper connections to people I’ve been talking to on Marco Polo most of the year.


from Texas

Through Patrons and Peers I have come to know a wonderful group of women who share similar interests and concerns. Brought together originally by a love of reading, we share a love of the Lord and a wish to grow in our personal introspection and concern for others. It has meant so much to me to be able to share a concern and have others respond immediately. I have been very blessed by this group.

from Virginia

Of the plethora of ways that P&P has blessed me, my favorite is the encouragement I have received in such a personal way from all of the lovely Roseanna Girls. The way this group builds each other up is a gift from the Lord. I also love the new connections I have all over the U.S. and the sweet friendships we have built even from afar. Thank you!!!
Hanna F.

from Southern California