Word of the Week – Coffee (Archive)

Word of the Week – Coffee (Archive)

Last published June 2017.

I’ve featured this word a few times now before, and I know much of my readership has changed over the years. And let’s be honest–coffee deserves to be featured again. Because it’s one of the most beautiful creations in the universe. 😉 The best guess of the awesome www.etymonline.com is that our word coffee came from the Italian caffe, which came the Turkish kahveh, which in turn came from the Arabic qahwah. Which, they think, got its name from the Kaffa region in Ethiopia, where most historians say coffee originated.

God bless those Arabians in Ethiopia!
Coffee was introduced in England by 1650, and within 25 years, over
3,000 coffeehouses dotted the country. (I heard a theory saying that the
English moving from ale to coffee is why there was a great expansion in
their empire, LOL.)
What I didn’t realize is that by 1774 one could use the word coffee to refer to a small meal where the drink was served, much like tea. Who knew?
In my house, we take our coffee very seriously. Since college, my husband and I have used whole beans and ground them fresh every morning. Last Christmas, we splurged on a gorgeous Jura Ena coffee system as a gift for each other. This thing creates the most beautiful, delicious cup of coffee ever, and it makes getting up in the morning something to look forward to.
So I’m going to have another cup. Go sip some in my honor if you’re a coffee drinker! 😉

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Throwback Thursday – Capability

Throwback Thursday – Capability

Originally Published April 2018. It’s amazing to look back over the last 5 years and see how things have shifted and changed. Yet the truth of this message remains. I hope you find some refreshing today.

I’m busy.

This is indisputable fact. I’m writing 6 books in 18 months, I homeschool my kids, I do much of the day-to-day running of WhiteFire Publishing, I design book covers and interior layouts, I cook, I (occasionally) clean, I knit, I’m pianist at my church, I’m a ballet mom, and I teach a class pretty much every semester at our homeschool association. There are days when I’m just so exhausted it’s all I can do to think.
But it’s funny, right? I look back at where I was, say, seven years ago. Only one of my kids needed to be taught. I was working on my first book that would be published by someone else. WhiteFire was only two or three authors other than me. I did no design work. Xoe had just started ballet, so it was only one night a week (now it’s two). We didn’t do Bible study yet at our church. I had no responsibilities in our homeschool group. My house was more of a mess than it is now, and we more often ate canned soup for dinner.
And I felt so overwhelmed. I’m talking, break down in tears because I felt like I couldn’t do it all overwhelmed. My constant prayer was that God would expand my time. That He’d refresh me because I was so drained. That somehow He would do it all for me, because I didn’t think I could.
That’s a familiar refrain in the world. I can’t tell you how many times I hear someone say, “Oh, I could never ______.” Fill in the blank.
I could never homeschool.
I could never write a book.
I could never work from home.
I could never work outside the home.
I could never go into foreign missions.
I could never give that up.
I could never take that on.
I could never . . .
And it’s true, you know? We can’t just do everything. Especially not on our own. But with friends, with family, with our churches, and most importantly, with God, we can be equipped to do exactly what He calls us to do. No more…but no less.
But how often do we let our fears, insecurities, and laziness interfere with that call? How often do we give up on or not even attempt to do that thing God has whispered in our ear because we don’t think we can?
Back when Xoe was in kindergarten, I was seriously considering giving up on this whole homeschool thing. I didn’t think I could anymore. I couldn’t write and teach and take care of a toddler all at the same time. That was that time of overwhelming, when it was all so much, so heavy, that I was just exhausted by it.
Around that time, we had a healing service at our church, led by a Spirit-filled couple visiting from another church in our association. I remember slipping into a pew at the back of the church–so I could slip out again with my toddler if necessary. There weren’t a lot of people there–maybe 15 or 20. I didn’t want to draw attention. But I knew I needed something. I wasn’t sick, but I was tired. Still, I didn’t want to take the time of these guests when there were people there so desperate for a healing touch and me…I was okay. I was fine. I was getting along.
But the husband of the couple came back and slid into the pew in front of me and turned to face me. I’ll never forget what he said. “You don’t need a healing. But you need…something. Right? Refreshing?”
I’m not one for tears, but they filled my eyes at that moment, and I nodded. “I feel so overwhelmed,” I said.
So he prayed for me. He prayed that God would shore me up, that He’d be my strength, that He’d breathe new life into my spirit and refresh me. He sat there for probably ten minutes and talked to me about putting on that Spiritual armor every day–and told me that sometimes wearing it isn’t so we can be on the offensive, but on the defensive. That sometimes he imagines curling up into that armor and hiding in it, as if it’s a turtle shell.
Because when we hide in Him, He takes care of it all.
That evening, something shifted. Maybe I didn’t have a physical illness that needed to be healed, but my spirit needed it. And my spirit received it.
Never, in the intervening seven years, have I ever again felt like I did back then. Oh, I get tired. Exhausted. Frustrated. Overwhelmed. But only physically and mentally. Never spiritually. Thanks to that shift, I kept on homeschooling…and man. I know my kids would have been fine wherever they got their education, but I can’t even count all the amazing moments we would have missed out on had I given it up when it really wasn’t the time for me to step aside from it!
I didn’t feel capable. And maybe I wasn’t. But He was. He is.
With God fighting our battles for us, we can do whatever He asks. It isn’t easy, but it isn’t supposed to be. The thing is, it’s possible. We become capable, in Him, of doing the things we are not capable of doing by ourselves.
I really can’t tell you what changed that day in that back pew of my church. I can just tell you that the things that exhausted me then are but a portion of my daily tasks now. We get used to burdens until they don’t feel like burdens anymore–that’s part of it. The weight that it took all our effort to lift when we first started our training becomes easy over time if we keep working our muscles, right? The same goes in life. In our tasks. In our callings. In our spiritual lives.
I’m not saying busy is the best state to always be in. And I’m not saying there aren’t still plenty of things that I have to say “No” to or delegate to someone else. I’m certainly no Superwoman.
But we’re never asked to do the things He calls us to alone. We’re just asked to step up, be willing, and follow in His footsteps.

Do you ever struggle with feeling capable of doing what you need or want to do?

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Thoughtful Posts

Word of the Week – Surf (Archive)

Word of the Week – Surf (Archive)

Originally Published September 2019

Surf began its life as a noun meaning “waves coming ashore” in about 1680, though it was quite likely a variation on suffe, from the 1590s. Where did it come from? No one’s quite sure. But it was originally used to describe the coast of India, so speculation points to it being borrowed from an Indic word. It could also be a variation of sough, which means “a rushing sound,” which is an Old English word.

The verb meaning “to ride the crest of a wave” dates from 1917. Surfing as an activity and surfer both date from 1955. And of course, the internet usage is first recorded from 1993.

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Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt Stop #14

Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt Stop #14

Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all the stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 5 grand prizes!

  • The hunt BEGINS on 6/15 at noon MST with Stop #1 at LisaTawnBergren.com.
  • Hunt through our loop using Chrome or Firefox as your browser (not Explorer).
  • There is NO RUSH to complete the hunt—you have all weekend (until Sunday, 6/18 at midnight MST)! So take your time, reading the unique posts along the way; our hope is that you discover new authors/new books and learn new things about them.
  • Submit your entry for the grand prizes by collecting the CLUE on each author’s scavenger hunt post and submitting your answer in the Rafflecopter form at the final stop, .back on Lisa’s site. Many authors are offering additional prizes along the way!

I’m Roseanna M. White, author of a slew of historical romances, along with some contemporary mysteries from Guideposts. My real life is full (homeschooling mom of two teens, need I say more??) but also very … ordinary. So I offset that by writing about things like spies and nobility and war and mayhem whenever I can. And with my next book, I not only have the start of England’s domestic intelligence agency, MI5, I also have (cue all the music) some circus themes! Here’s a bit about A Beautiful Disguise:

Five years ago, Lady Marigold Fairfax and her little brother, Yates, discovered a horrible truth: the circuses and acrobats and theater troupes that had filled their childhood had also bankrupted their estate, and when their father dies, he doesn’t just leave Yates the earl. He leaves them absolutely strapped. So they do what any enterprising young people with unexpected acrobatic skills would do: open a private investigative firm to spy on their peers…for their peers. Dubbed The Imposters, Ltd., their firm promises “discreet disclosures for the most discerning.” But when Sir Merritt Livingstone hires them to help him root out who is betraying their agents in Germany, the answer will take them uncomfortably close to home. And Sir Merritt himself, with his noble soul and ability to see beneath Marigold’s carefully stitched disguises, has her asking all sorts of impossible questions about the future.

 Though there isn’t an actual circus in A Beautiful Disguise, a family of circus performers retired to the Fairfax estate…with some of the non-human stars of the show!

Did you know that the menagerie was one of the biggest draws of a circus in the early 1900s? Just take a look at some of the exotic animals advertised by one of the leading English circuses of the time!

The “modern circus” as we know it today was actually begun by Phillip Astley in 1768, when he and his wife, both skilled riders, established an equestrian school in London, where they taught lessons in the morning and then performed in the afternoons. They did trick riding and speed riding in a circle…which is how he discovered that the ideal size of a circus ring is 42 feet in diameter, because it allows one to use centrifugal force to keep one in the saddle! Astley soon put a roof over his stadium so it could remain open all year…which set the stage for the traveling Big Tops.

It wasn’t long before Astley and his competitors drew in other popular performers from fairs and festivals–acrobats, aerialists, jugglers, clowns, mimes, and so on. Some circuses in the Victorian and Edwardian eras were permanent fixtures, but most traveled not only in their home country, but throughout Europe too.

I can’t wait for readers to meet my retired circus family, the Caesars…and a few furry friends like Leonidas the Lion, Penelope the Monkey, Peabody the Peacock (who kindly donates some loose feathers to Lady Marigold’s wardrobe), and the rest of the crew!

Here’s Your Critical Stop #14 Info:

If you’re interested, you can get a SIGNED copy of A Beautiful Diguise from me right here (and shop for other fun bookish things too!) or order on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, ChristianBook, Baker Book House, or at your local bookstore

Clue to Write Down: the right

Link to Stop #15, the Next Stop on the Loop: Gabrielle Meyer’s site!

Special Giveaway!

But before you go, I’m offering a special prize!

One lucky winner with a US address will receive a signed copy of any of my books, plus a tote bag of their choice!
If an international winner is drawn, they’ll receive a book sent via their usual online bookseller. =)

Word of the Week (Archive) – From Scratch

Word of the Week (Archive) – From Scratch

Original post published 10/15/2018

My October baking has inspired looking into this one. Why, exactly, do we say something’s made “from scratch” if it doesn’t use a mix? Maybe y’all know this already, since it’s pretty simple, but I was clueless, LOL.

In my head, I think it may have had something to do with the meaning of scratch that comes from the verb meaning “scrape together,” as in scratching out an existence. Because, you know, you scrape together the ingredients. Literally… And I guess that’s not totally far afield.

But in fact, it’s a bit more simple than that. One of the noun meanings of scratch is “nothing.” (Which I guess I’d never really paused to consider before.) So from scratch really means from nothing. Er, nothing pre-made anyway. Interestingly, that’s been in use since 1918.

Do you like to make things from scratch, or are you more for the ease of boxes and mixes? (My answer depends on the project.)

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