Turn old and vintage clothing into a work of art

I don’t know about you, but there are some favorite clothes I hate to part with even when they’ve gone out of style or showing wear in places. The perfect way to preserve them is by using them to make a quilt.

This is a great way to save special t-shirts. I have some that my favorite uncle sent me from his different travels around the world. I also have some that marked special milestones in my own life. These make a lovely soft quilt to display on the back of a chair or even hang on a wall.

I even have a few quilts and quilted pillows that have pieces of family history in their design. Pieces of my great-great grandmother’s dresses, a piece of my great grandfather’s shirt, scraps from my grandmother’s wedding dress all combine together for a fun remembrance that everyone can enjoy.

This is also a lovely gift to share with other family members. And if you don’t have enough for multiple quilts, you can frame it as a focal point on a wall with family photos. Or even put it in a frame with a collage of family photos.

Written by Lady M

Lady Marigold Fairfax, dubbed Lady M by society columnist G. M. Parker, regularly sets the London social scene abuzz with her cutting edge fashions. What no one knows is that she creates all her masterpieces at home in her costumery studio, with the help of her Romani seamstress, Zelda.

W R I T E   T O   L A D Y   M

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