Don’t forget that today’s the last day to enter the giveaway for Wind of the Spirit!


It strikes me at least once a week that my world is pretty much wrapped up in the internet. Especially when I get to church and someone says something about talking to strangers that you come across each day in an attempt to let Jesus shine through you.

Um . . . there are many days that go by without me seeing anyone other than my family. We’ve started doing The Master’s Way DVD stuff about evangelizing, and one of the challenges is to talk to 5 people each day. To approach strangers, even to offer them a smile. For someone who doesn’t see 5 people a day, this seemed like a monumental challenge.

Then it hit me. I may not see people face-to-face every day, but our world really is online these days. I mean, I’ve only met my best friend in person twice. We’ve only spoken on the phone a couple handfuls of times. But we email constantly. I’m talking at least 2, as many as 18 (if I recall our ludicrous record) times a day. And that’s just Stephanie. I email many, many other people each day too. I comment on Facebook. On blogs. I answer questions on the ACFW loop. So you know . . . I really do talk to strangers each day and offer them virtual smiles.

The Master’s Way is going to be leading us up to witnessing to these total strangers, so naturally one of the first things they ask is, “Do you share your faith regularly?” After the obligatory questions of “What do you mean by ‘regularly’? And what do you mean by ‘share’?” (I mean, come on. Do you want to know if I do street ministry? If I’m just open to talking about it? What??), I realized that yes, in fact I do share my faith regularly. I blog about my challenges and realizations. I talk to people online about faith and how it fits in my life, how it leads me.

I’m not sure what Kirk Cameron (who put out The Master’s Way) was thinking about this type of ministry when he pointed out that we’re all called to minister, but I think it’s perfectly valid in this day and age. And more, I think it’s critical that we acknowledge it. I think it’s important that all those other people out there like me, who spend most of their days at home in front of their computers, realize that they’re touching people. Reaching people. Talking to people, ministering to people through their keyboards, their typed words. Their blogs, their Facebook posts, the Loop emails.

We’re in an E-world . . . and you know what? That’s a pretty awesome thing for the Kingdom of God. I may not be pounding the streets every day with Bible in hand, but I’m pounding Cyberspace with up in one of my tabs. And that’s not just okay–that’s really stinking cool.

The Master has a lot of ways of reaching people. Which one of them is the one that works for you?