Yes, you read the title right. Today I’m bringing to you an enlightening treatise on the word “macaroni.” =)

Now, in my house “macaroni” is synonymous with “the most common food to be found, because it’s the only thing my kids are 100% guaranteed to eat.” But as with all things we take for granted, there was once a day when it was new. Rare. Fashionable, even.

Back in the 18th century, Italian foods were just beginning to make their way into British society, and they were all the rage. One of the most loved was macaroni–and it was so stylish a dish that an entire club was formed around the it. The Macaroni Club was quickly known for their dedication to fashion and style . . . a dedication which soon went into dandy-ism (which is to say, over the top).

At that point, “macaroni” became an adjective meaning something like “a style befitting a dandy.”

And so Yankee Doodle finally, FINALLY makes sense! Ever wonder why the dude in the song “stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni”? Well, there you go. He wasn’t calling the feather pasta, which was what I thought at age 6 when I learned the song (yes, I thought we were singing about some delusional guy, LOL), he was calling the hat stylish. Even dandy.

Only took me 22 years to figure THAT one out! =)

So enjoy your macaroni, folks. And know that back in the day, it was not just kids’ food.