A Beautiful Disguise

The Imposters, 1


Left with an estate on the brink of bankruptcy after their father’s death, Lady Marigold Fairfax and her brother open a private investigation firm marketed to the elite . . . to spy on the elite. Dubbed The Imposters, Ltd., their anonymous group soon becomes the go-to for the crème of society when they want answers delivered surreptitiously. But the many secrets Marigold learns about her peers pale in comparison to her shock when she and her brother are hired to investigate her best friend’s father as a potential traitor.

Sir Merritt Livingstone has spent a decade serving the monarch in the most elite guard, but when pneumonia lands him behind a desk in the War Office Intelligence Division just as they’re creating a new secret intelligence branch, he’s intent on showing his worth. He suspects a man of leaking information to Germany as tensions mount between the two countries but needs someone to help him prove it, so he turns to The Imposters, Ltd. No one knows who they are, but their results are beyond compare.

Lady Marigold is determined to discover the truth for her friend’s sake, and she’s more determined still to keep her heart from getting involved with this enigmatic new client . . . who can’t possibly be as noble as he seems.


More from the world of the Imposters

There’s So Much to Explore!

Learn more about the Edwardian circus that defined the Imposters’ childhood, get fashion tips from Lady M, explore the theater of the day, meet the team, pet the animals, go behind the Top Secret stamp to learn about intelligence in the early 20th century, train yourself to be a private investigator, and dive into some fun and games!

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Discussion Questions
  1. Lady Marigold Fairfax has created a persona that society sees and identifies as her, even though it hides much of her true self. How do you think we do the same thing today in the world of social media and even in person?
  2. Sir Merritt both knows the value of a team and hates to have to ask for help. Do you have trouble admitting when you need to call in backup? Or do you seek out a team as your first step?
  3. Yates is still coming into his own in terms of responsibilities, given that he is now the earl but is also the little brother. How do you think his relationship with his sister has shaped him? What do you think he’d have chosen to do with his life if responsibility and duty weren’t at issue?
  4. If you could learn any of the skills Marigold and Yates had picked up from their circus friends, which one would it be? Would you make friends with big cats or other circus animals if you could?
  5. Who was your favorite character and why? Your least favorite?
  6. Lavinia observes that when her heart was weak, she was weak. Have you ever been in a position where your physical wellbeing (or lack thereof) shapes your whole life? How do you cope with those limitations? Have you come to believe anything about yourself because of a chronic condition that may not be true?
  7. Sir Merritt’s friend Jonathan observes that sometimes true friends recognize each other quickly, seeing that “kindred spirit,” or perhaps the Holy Spirit, in another. Do you have any friends with whom you bonded quickly and whose friendship has remained strong for years? What is it, do you think, that knit you together?
  8. Sir Merritt is one of the only people to ever truly see Marigold; and his clear vision of her helped her to better see herself. How do the people you love best help you to understand yourself better? What did you think of the progression of the characters’ relationship?
  9. Were you surprised by the revelation about the Hemmings? How do you think Lady Hemming kept her loyalties secret so long? Have you heard of any true stories about such things?
  10. What was your favorite scene in the book? Which relationships were your favorite?
  11. Book two in the Imposters, A Noble Scheme, will be about Gemma and Graham. What do you think is the cause of their animosity?